• @Dorkyd68@lemmy.world
    397 months ago

    My coworker is relatively book smart individual. Bought his first house last week at 25, just got married to a dental hygenist. Etc. Politics came up the other day and I was like fuck, I’m about to out myself as liberal at my VERY conservative company. He said that he’s not voting for Trump and doesn’t want him to win. I was floored, and very enthusiastically started talking about how excited I was for walz. He looks me in the eye and starts going off about rfk Jr and how he’s our best option. My view of this this kid instantly changed and I view him as rather dumb now. Cause in reality, he is. Sucks that political bs has divided us so much but anyone dumb enough to vote for Trump let alone fucking rfk is just so God damn stupid and that’s facts

    • @Tilgare@lemmy.world
      237 months ago

      RFK can appear very appealing if you don’t look hard enough. Sit him down to watch the John Oliver segment and see what he thinks then. If he’s a rational person, he might see the error of his ways.

    • Joelk111
      27 months ago

      At least he’s dumb enough to not understand how, in this fucked up system we’ve got here, voting for a third party is like not voting at all.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Most third party voters are people who wouldn’t be voting if there wasn’t a third choice on the ballot.

        Stronger independent parties tend to correlate with higher election participation, even when they don’t win.

        People shit on Perot and Nader, but these guys goosed turnout in what would have been very flat election years.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      07 months ago

      My view of this this kid instantly changed and I view him as rather dumb now. Cause in reality, he is.

      You’re in a conservative area, you’ve found a guy that’s anti-Trump, and you’re shocked to discover he’s a no-sell on Democrats?

      Come on, man. That’s got nothing to do with intelligence. It’s just priors. If someone is sold on Democrats being corrupt, sleazy, dishonest, and cruel, why do you think “Trump bad tho” would be enough to win them over?

      RFK is just the Other Other Guy. And if you listen to enough Rogan or other indie brand talk radio, you can find plenty of hype around him on those issues the other parties don’t really touch but enjoy a strong base of support (drug legalization, funding cuts to the Pentagon/CIA/etc, debt relief, anti-monopolization).

      It doesn’t matter that RFK is, himself, a clown. He’s saying things the other two aren’t, and that’s what this guy’s hearing.

    • @MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
      -157 months ago

      You should check out leftism and see if you like it better than liberalism. This comment is not about voting, I just don’t like liberalism.

        • @MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
          -57 months ago

          Liberalism is capitalist. Neoliberalism especially so. Capitalism is associated with various problems like homelessness, commodified relationships and hobbies, price gouging, poor healthcare, and systemic discrimination. Also over time liberalism leads to fascism as capitalism breaks down, poverty increases, and people become radicalised. A society which permits the accumulation of wealth and the use of wealth to gain wealth, will inevitably form oligopolies, monopolies, oligarchies, and eventually monogarchy. This is anti-democracy and anti-human.