The share of people who report having no close friends has risen, particularly among those who did not graduate college — creating a divide in people’s levels of social connection.

The Summary

  • In a survey, nearly a quarter of U.S. adults without a college degree said they had no close friends.
  • People without a college degree also reported less participation in social activities like going to parks or restaurants than college-educated adults.
  • The findings come amid a documented rise in loneliness and social isolation.
    227 months ago

    Adulthood blows. It is possible, even common, to go to high school in one area of the country, attend college in another area, then get a job in yet another area. I have friends from every “era” of my life but most don’t stay in touch. Worse yet, many of the coworkers I had at old jobs are people I would have considered personal friends but they call less and less after I changed jobs and we have less in common over time.

    It is very easy to invest 110% in your immediate family and before you know it your other relationships suffer or disappear entirely.