The name actually makes these videos sound more innocuous than they are. While crushing a monkey to death would be terrible enough, the “clients” in this private online group wanted to watch monkeys tortured for hours. They complained when the monkeys died too quickly. They suggested dressing baby monkeys in diapers and yellow outfits, then feeding them with bottles in front of their parents—before brutally breaking bones, severing limbs, inflicting pain with fishhooks and pliers and skewers, burning wounds with lighters, gluing various bodily orifices closed, attacking them with snakes, and sexually abusing them.

What in the actual fuck. This is some of the most depraved shit I can imagine. Partway through the article, I just started skimming and then just noped out. These people suck.

    47 months ago

    I want to be a better person… but if you said; “do unto others “ … I’d accept that it would done unto him as punishment