Hi everyone, this community is helping me a lot in starting my journey into the self-hosting world. I’m currently just experimenting using my main pc as server, but I’m planning getting an old minipc and let it running 24h.
I wanted to give acces to my hosted service from outside my wifi and since I noticed my Frirzbox router support natively Wireguard VPN i just gave it a try. It was super easy and worked flawlessly, I was able to access to my jellyfin library from 4g and other WiFi. BUT I noticed a big loss in connection speed while using my VPN (e.g. from mb/s 400 to 200 or even worse) and I’m not sure it’s a good Idea to have all my devices constantly under this kind of loss forever.
Am I doing something wrong? Do you suggest other routes in order to expose my services to outside? Thank you, and sorry if it’s a noob question.
On the client? It’s a great suggestion honestly. I did not noticed that the Wireguard app let me setting which specific app should have the connection routed throw the VPN. This could be a solution to limit the performance loss only for self-hosted content
Here’s an example of what I use across multiple networks, with roaming and static devices. They all use a common
subnet (that doesn’t overlap with any of the common LAN subnets), and each gets it’s one/32
address in that subnet. That way each one accepts traffic from any other WG clients in the same subnet as local traffic to the host device. Essentially each PC, server, or phone thinks it’s on the same local network as every other WG client.WireGuard is **WAY ** faster than any other VPN I’ve tested, and much more flexible. But at the cost of a little extra setup.