UPX is open source and works on linux , windows and mac (ie. cross platform) I would like to know why the torrenting space isn’t using it already / having a mature discussion about it.
UPX is open source and works on linux , windows and mac (ie. cross platform) I would like to know why the torrenting space isn’t using it already / having a mature discussion about it.
You had clearly misunderstood what this tool is. Its tool for better compression of executables which could be used in data sensitive (Like , most people would agree with me that some times decrypting on our own local device could be better since it could be more predictable than waiting for seeders , because there are very less seeders)
Politely, but no.
It’s a compression tool that is also used to mask malware, and you’re proposing to expand it’s use in a use case that’s ALREADY coated in enough malware to give you herpes just by walking past your average tracker.
It’s a bad idea from a security perspective, and it’s not going to outperform a LZMA-based compression tool using a large dictionary (7zip, etc.) which also isn’t fucking with binaries in a way that makes detecting and preventing malicious software more complicated for the average user, who typically knows absolutely zero about what’s going on.
I had actually agreed with you , here was my initial comment , though I just wanted to look into upx github page more
new response:
He didn’t, malware guys use UPX and it’s true that antiviruses scream bloody murder when they see it. It’s also true you can’t see what’s inside unless you have special tools to do so. UPX also has one huge downside, it’s its RAM usage, due to it’s inner workings it’s unable to use optimisations that normal binaries can like page sharing.
okay so what alternative do you suggest which could be better used in exe formats I feel that unzipping from exe isn’t the best solution to this problem
(like some exe contain some zip file inside them and extract them)
Just putting all your stuff in one big .7z so you can unpack it to directory then scan them all w/ AV.