Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.

    13 months ago

    People are so misinformed here. I bought a v1 long time ago in like 2018 from a local store. Paid cash no one asked my name and it has a unique serial number.

    I know this because it has some discoloration that I recently found out was a known issue with the color I bought. I hit them up and told them I bought it in 2018 from a local store and don’t have the receipt.

    They just asked for pictures and my information like name and address to send the replacement.

    Instead I asked for credit since the V2 isn’t the exact same. They said ok and gave me the credit for the full price of a new one. Super easy.