Not my title! I do think we are being listened to. And location tracked. And it’s being passed on to advertisers. Is it apple though? Probably not is my take away from this article, but I don’t trust plenty of others, and apple still does

    63 months ago

    Except I’ve had experiences that aren’t explainable by alm this:

    Discussing a random, never-thought-of-before idea with a friend, in the car. Neither of us had ever thought of this thing before (honestly don’t recall now what it was). Discussed it for 2 minutes, then moved on.

    Later we’re both seeing related ads, yet neither of us searched for anything.

    And it was something way out of left field for both of us, that neither of us had ever thought of before. The related ads were so jarring that we both told each other about it.

    Oh, and my phone was rooted, de-googled (lineage), with heavy restrictions for the apps, no social media (I still don’t have any accounts with any of them, except here), etc. The other phone was an iPhone.

      93 months ago

      The scary thought here isn’t that they’re actively listening in.

      It’s that they know enough about you to know that something will be of interest to you before you even realise it yourself…

      13 months ago

      If it’s a never before thought of idea how can there possibly be ads for it? No one has ever thought of it and the product doesn’t exist right?

      Like I said, there are always other ways. Maybe you searched something related the day before and don’t remember. Maybe your friend did.