
The U.S. Justice Department, joined by 10 states, has sued six major landlords and RealPage, a company behind a rent-setting algorithm, accusing them of colluding to keep rents high by sharing sensitive pricing data and avoiding competition.

The landlords, operating over 1.3 million units, allegedly used RealPage’s algorithm and coordination to align rents, exacerbating the housing crisis.

One landlord has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

Critics argue this scheme worsens affordability issues for renters, who already face record rent burdens amid a strained housing market.

  • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
    42 months ago

    I understand that, but at some point they will hit a number where people in the area can’t afford the 1st month (or more) down or even monthly payments. And landlords aren’t going to just start waiving the down payment or rent up front as this whole thing is about them using algorithms to maximize income. So there is a ceiling, but they can of course collude on what that is and all match that ceiling so that it’s the only option (which I assume is what happened here). If they can then cause turnover once tenants are in place by prices breaking that ceiling they can keep down payments for breaking lease, then drop the price back to that ceiling for the next victim, rinse and repeat.

      82 months ago

      at some point they will hit a number where people in the area can’t afford the 1st month (or more) down or even monthly payments

      this has already happened. google “homelessness”

      • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
        22 months ago

        Yes, but my point is that having empty units runs counter to the interests of landlords. Unless they can talk Trump’s regime into subsidizing them unhousing whole areas of people landlords still have a limit/ceiling on the amount of churn they can have and still rent units (make money).

        It’s similar to the stories on Amazon not paying warehouse workers and working them like slaves, now their churn is so great they need to get robots because they are beginning to run out of bodies in areas.

          72 months ago

          Hey stop speculating and look up the case the DOJ made against them. And not just the cliffnotes. It explaines the practice way better than I could ever. But from what I remember the most profitable percentage of available units isn’t 0% but closer to 5%. Landlord companies don’t even need to do math and management of the housing; companies like Yardi and Rent Café does it all on their platform. One example was, a one year lease signed today is less valuable than a lease signed tomorrow or the next day… Due to inflation, scarcity, and all landlords playing the same game. Say I can rent out my apartment for $1000 a month today. But the Yardi algorithm says I can make $1100 a month if I wait 30 days to lease. Over the life of the lease I just made an extra $200 for nothing. Additionally you have one month less of potential maintenance. The algorithm knows how many leases in the area are ending and haven’t been renewed; how much housing is currently available; what businesses are opening up or closing down in the area; population growth/decline; and so many other data points that they know exactly how much to squeeze the population in any given area.

          Housing is a human right. The only reason not everyone has it, is only because the wealthy and powerful want it that way for money.

          12 months ago

          your point is valid, but needs nuance. perhaps try:

          having a significant surplus of units runs counter to the interests of landlords

          what number defines “significant surplus” varies based on market but it’s higher than you are imagining i think? simply having some empty units does not make a surplus; most landlords are good enough at business to prevent their surplus from being too massive and keep their profits up.

      22 months ago

      I understand that, but at some point they will hit a number where people in the area can’t afford the 1st month (or more) down or even monthly payments.

      I lived in a place where that happened. There were very obvious changes as the rent kept going up. (I stayed because everywhere else was going up just as much.)

      • Long-term tenants moved out.
      • A lot more one bedrooms had roommates.
      • People had less furniture. Sometimes just a mattress on the floor and a plastic chair.
      • A lot more three-day notices and eviction notices on people’s doors.
      • Some apartments turned into Airbnbs.
      • One apartment turned, very not surreptitiously, into a “massage” place.
      • More and more units stayed empty for months.

      None of that stopped the rent from going up. If anything, it went up faster.

        22 months ago

        People think too small when it comes to stuff like this. One individual land lord company doing this isn’t a big deal. But when you scale that up to a national level? We’re talking about millions of homes going empty, misused, and siphoned off for only greed.

          12 months ago

          I’d say even one landlord is too many, but easier to deal with. The scale this seems to be happening at is mind boggling and should be criminal, in my opinion. Or whatever it takes to stop this.