As an Asian American (Chinese Ancestry), I rarely have interactions with law enforcement, except that one school fight which I got arrested because I defended myself against a bully, which I still resent them for (both the law enforcement and school administration). This in a blue city btw. While the cops never physically done anything like torture or anything, getting held at the police station for a few hours felt like psychological torture. I was just wondering, would my experience have been worse if I were some other race? (I mean like: if I were black, would I have gotten beaten by the cops?)

And also, how (in general) are Asian Americans treated compared to other racial groups?

(Asking because, again, I rarely had any interactions with law enforcement, and am just curious)

    282 months ago

    Me and my roommate in college come from Southeast Asia. I’m of Chinese descent with lighter skin and he is darker skinned, more indicative of Southeast Asian natives ie Indonesia, Thailand, Phillipines.

    We went to college in Texas. While he was out with a bunch of our fellow countrymen, they got stopped because the cops thought they were “behaving suspicious” while driving. But quite obviously it’s because they looked Mexican. While waiting for one cop to search the vehicle, my friend put his hands in his pockets, and the cops immediately had their hands on their pistol holsters. HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM.

    This was before 9/11. We both moved back home and found work here. Being a damn good engineer, he was given a contract job in Texas for a couple years, in the 2010s. He was asked by his bosses if he wanted to stay on for good, but he turned it down. Without elaborating, he told me, THINGS HAD GOTTEN WORSE.

    As for me? Nothing much, just was called a COMMIE and asked where my little red book was. I think now they would shoot me.

        262 months ago

        When I went thru immigration, I made small talk about what my college’s Football team was up to that year. I HATED football. But my roomie was a fan and he always gave me a tl;dr I could recite in under a minute.

        Holy hell I was always the fastest Asian guy thru foreign immigration at LAX.