In which case you probably aren’t saving time. Checking bullshit is usually harder and longer to just research shit yourself. Or should be, if you do due diligence
Its nice that you inform people that they cant tell if something is saving them time or not without knowing what their job is or how they are using a tool.
Do you blindly trust the output or is it just a convenience and you can spot when there’s something wrong? Because I really hope you don’t rely on it.
How could I blindly trust anything in this context?
Y’know, a lot of the hate against AI seems to mirror the hate against Wikipedia, search engines, the internet, and even computers in the past.
You know what… now that you say it, it really is just like the anti-Wikipedia stuff.
In which case you probably aren’t saving time. Checking bullshit is usually harder and longer to just research shit yourself. Or should be, if you do due diligence
Its nice that you inform people that they cant tell if something is saving them time or not without knowing what their job is or how they are using a tool.