Stolen from mastodon

Their caption “look, it’s all my favorite streaming services on one platform!” Is probably better than mine lol

      519 days ago

      For the “low hanging” trckers: r/opensignups
      From there you can pivot to higher tier trackers.
      If your taste is more “normal” mid-tier trackers are usually sufficient and the requirements are still sane there.

      Advice: Try to get into TL (google the name, you’ll find it). Thwy usually have entrys open during all major (western) holidays like Eastern, summer, Christmas

      319 days ago

      Certain ones, like music trackers, can still be interviewed into. Once you get into an initial tracker and establish yourself, it becomes easier to find / get into new ones via forum invites. It’s a long road but barring a time machine it’s the easiest way.