Privacy-Kit is Privacy Portal’s latest FOSS tool aiming to bring privacy to the masses.
🚨 Add a Hide-My-Email feature to your site with one line of code.
🚨 Include Subscribe-Anonymously for your newsletter in the same way.
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Look Under The Hood: (edit)
- When a user requests to generate an email alias, a popup would appear (similar to “Sign In With Apple”) prompting the user to sign in with Privacy Portal in order to authorize generating and filling the email alias.
- As mentioned in the library’s Github page, an account is required in order for Privacy Portal to be able to forward emails to your personal email address.
- Privacy Portal has a transparent and fair business model that allows small creators and businesses to use our services free of charge under a certain usage threshold.
- Privacy Portal is built for privacy and processes all emails in memory without writing them to disk. It does not store, collect, share, nor sell any user data. Privacy Policy
- Users can sign up on Privacy Portal with an anonymous email address for even more privacy.
- Email Aliases generated for a particular website can only relay emails authorized by said website and are unusable by other third parties making it a perfect solution for eliminating spam, and email sharing accross websites.
Regarding those screenshots:
But then visitors immediately have to create an account with pportal .io to actually get at the newsletter/sign-up/etc.?
I had a quick look at your main page but it did not answer that question.
I understand that a web dev who wants to offer this has to open an account or get an api key of they want to use your service.
Also I could not find a link to the git repo.
edit: according to OP’s answer it is as I thought. Yet another company that collects data both on sites and their visitors. Another iteration of the good old Free model a lá Google.
edit2: my personal recommendation is still that people get themselves at least one extra email account with plus-addressing. From a trusted provider of course.
edit3: an option for true aliases would of course be better
this site seems super sketch in general looking at the original privacy portal. on the github page there’s no listed contributers besides themselves with a MIT license, and they only have two things, a mail service thing and a file app with a rather barebones site in general.
just looks weird
edit: also, the description is kinda misleading it’s not a “for the masses” type thing it’s just for site owners and two rather basic things.
We usually don’t trust new services either but here are a few points that might address your concerns:
The privacy-kit library was just announced yesterday. There are no external contributors yet but it’s open source and anyone is welcome to help make it better.
“for the masses” means that it doesn’t require high technical skills and anyone can include it to their website. This is one of our goals: democratizing online privacy.
Our website is simple on purpose. We aim to keep it this way. We build everything from scratch to reduce external dependencies to the strict minimum.
We’re also contributors to Lemmy and other select FOSS projects:
When a visitor requests to generate an Email Alias using Hide-My-Email or Subscribe-Anonymously, a popup will appear with an OAuth Authentication page using the Privacy Portal OAuth provider. Once authenticated, the email alias will be filled in the email input in the case of Hide-My-Email or the user would get automatically subscribed to the newsletter using an alias in the case of Subscribe-Anonymously.
If the user already has a Privacy Portal account, they just need to sign in otherwise they would need to register a free account.
This information is available in the links included in the post (you can click on the “Privacy-Kit” link in the post for the Github Page.)
For easy access here are all the links included in the post:
I have a faint inkling of how a service like yours would work and I do not see any way it could work without doing just that. Since both users and site owners need to create an account.
Seriously stop protesting so much. It makes you look bad.