Let me break this down:

Openly defying court orders multiple times= dictatorship Threatening to jail political opponents despite them being pardoned= dictatorship Deporting American citizens who have legal citizenship= dictatorship Can’t put it any simpler.

  • @ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world
    1410 days ago

    This is why calling them weird was sort of effective. It’s not a fact, it’s an opinion. Now, I think it’s a widely held opinion, but the point is it wasn’t something they could argue with. It was sort of playing the game they’ve been playing.

    • Playground antics can work on these types of people. First, you have to understand who they think they are, and what they take pride in. Then attack them incessantly based on the knowledge of what constitutes their ego.

    • Gotta stop going high. We know their tactics, we know how their brains work. We need to stop trying to devastate them with irrefutable facts, they don’t care. Turn their own methods against them, destroy them in their language. The left has better trolls and meme lords, let’s use them.