It also turns out whilst dicksmiths actually sells steam decks in aus they are now just a third party market place.
It does, however, support the point i had suggested - that the lack of steam hardware in Aus is a ‘personal’ thing, given that you can get them from a first party supplier in nz but not here.
Australia fined valve over return policy. I think it’s personal.
You can buy them from Dicksmiths or JB
Whoa what’s wrong with the return policy? Steam (when buying games) has the most generous I’ve ever seen so I’m surprised to hear that
They’ve adopted this return policy only after being sued by the Australian ACCC.
Are you mistaking Steam Deck for Stream Deck? deck &saleItems=false&toggle[onPromotion]=false
Hahaha, that’s a fair question. I also realised later that jb hi fi don’t stock the steam deck … in aus. I had been looking at the nz page and made a poor assumption :
It also turns out whilst dicksmiths actually sells steam decks in aus they are now just a third party market place.
It does, however, support the point i had suggested - that the lack of steam hardware in Aus is a ‘personal’ thing, given that you can get them from a first party supplier in nz but not here.
Oh thanks! Learned two things today: I can buy a Steam Deck in Australia; and Dick Smith still exists.