The Chrome team says they’re not going to pursue Web Integrity but…
it is piloting a new Android WebView Media Integrity API that’s “narrowly scoped, and only targets WebViews embedded in apps.”
They say its because the team “heard your feedback.” I’m sure that’s true, and I can wildly speculate that all the current anti-trust attention was a factor too.
Until banking apps except the use of custom ROMs it will be a major stumbling block to switching to them.
I’ve never had an issue using banking apps from Lineage. I use 3 different pretty mainstream ones
I have 3 banking apps installed right now through Aurora Store (FLOSS access to Google Store). They work fine. The only bank that didn’t like my degoogled phone, I dropped.
Monesse, Monzo and Revolut all refused to work for me. They’re mobile-only banks so maybe that’s the reason.
Revolut has worked for me no problem 🤔 What problems did you face?