Hi everybody, I’m a UI/UX designer and I wanna contribute to the community here with my expertise. Here is a quick prototype for a Android Lemmy app with Material You Design, it’s a simple and customizable app. With this app, I also want to improve the experience when exploring different servers.

Obviously, this is just a concept, so if any developer interest, I’m very willing to collaborate with 🫡 . Vice versa, if anyone stucks with designing his/her own Lemmy client, just reach out to me and I will give you a hand.

Here is a quick demo of some basic features: https://vimeo.com/843481714?share=copy

And here is the figma file if you wanna take a look: https://www.figma.com/file/ZBR30l0ZcKuyKMPjeDmvdF/Lemmy-Android-app?type=design&node-id=53526-31054&mode=dev

  • kratoz29
    72 years ago

    I think Liftoff would benefit for a Material You UI.

    • BlazingFlames6073
      22 years ago

      Same. One of the reasons I don’t use it. I think a reason they don’t priotise is because it supports both android and iOS. Not all users would see it.

      • kratoz29
        12 years ago

        Yeah I get it, although Thunder is available for both platforms as well, and Material You looks awesome.