The real wowzer is the fact that you automatically leapt to thinking someone is racist, instead of just assuming that they made a spelling mistake, or got autocorrected. They probably meant “dicey”, but no, we’ll just call them racist instead.
I think they definitely meant ricey, which is absolutely a way to describe jpeg compression artifacting from really old images/files that have been moved around for far too long.
Does it have ricey WordArt?
Spins onto screen and everything. Kid really knew their shit.
Wow really just gonna bust out the bigoted language over a PowerPoint?
E: y’all love defending casual bigotry! Wowzer
Dunno what you’re on about, but people need just a glimpse at your comment history for such examples. Wowzer.
The only wowzer here is everyone being okay with bigotry.
The real wowzer is the fact that you automatically leapt to thinking someone is racist, instead of just assuming that they made a spelling mistake, or got autocorrected. They probably meant “dicey”, but no, we’ll just call them racist instead.
I think they definitely meant ricey, which is absolutely a way to describe jpeg compression artifacting from really old images/files that have been moved around for far too long.
Ricey: of or resembling rice
Keep telling yourself it’s totally not bigoted 🤡
Yeah the Nazis probably meant “dews” I bet it was a spelling error.
How in the fuck does “dicey” even make sense in context? Go on, defend the bigotry even harder!
Fuckin weirdo bigot. Wowzerrr