I love D&D and have an on-going game that occurs twice a month on the first and third Saturday evenings of the month. The game has been going for a little over two years and I love it so much.

I am a father and husband too. Unfortunately, my wife is frustrated with having those Saturdays taken up on the schedule where she has to schedule things around them or go without me (vacations, family outings, etc). Admittedly she has done well at scheduling and should be given credit for her tolerance thus far.

Those of you who are successfully managing family schedules and gaming, what is your secret?

  • Wil Cooley
    210 months ago

    My group is all parents, aside from one who’s a very paternal uncle. We’ve always played mostly Monday or Tuesday nights, starting after bedtimes for ages where that requires active involvement (often going later than we probably should).

    We switch nights up when needed, like when a spouse takes a class or has some other recurring activity.

    It helps that we’re mostly all parents and spouses so we have very similar concerns and no one gets fussy when someone needs accommodations.