• You must be unfamiliar with power tripping mods.

    If you make it on a powermod’s shit list, they’ll ban you from every default sub they can because they are petty low lifes. I’d trust AI-powered bots to be more reasonable than those cumstains.

    • Cyber Yuki
      101 year ago

      What difference does it make when you have a power tripping CEO PLUS an asinine AI that isn’t held reponsible for decisions?

      It’ll be even worse. And trust me, with the way things are being handled, the responsible mods are precisely the ones that are going to be theown under the bus, precisely because they disagree with the power tripping CEO.

      The solution is to replace the CEO with someone reaponsible AND to have an effective and responsible moderation board.

      What reddit is doing is not finding a solution; they’re just seeking ways to get rid of expensive personnel and maximize their profits.