The Absurdity of the Return-to-Office Movement::The return-to-office demands make little sense from an overall economic perspective, while working parents, in particular, benefit from not having to waste time commuting to an office, writes Peter Bergen.
Biden just did this to federal agencies…
For no real reason, Republicans wanted it, but as soon as Biden did it, they shut up about it. Democrats don’t brag about it, because democratic voters hate it.
There was zero reason for it.
The number one thing conservatives hate is “Other People Having Agency” and other people not “Living By My Rules (that I don’t actually follow myself).”
People working at home and not having to be treated like a child who has to ask permission for a bathroom break is just too much for them to bear. If employees aren’t risking health issues by holding their piss in or just straight pissing themselves, they can’t handle it.
Yeah, but they literally can’t give Dems credit for anything. So all Biden did was piss off every federal employee that isn’t maga.
And the fucked up part is they legitimately have to vote Biden.
Yeah, leave it to the Democrats to abuse their own voting blocks, and then berate them if Republicans win, blaming it on the voters.
I’m sorry but it’s literally abuse to hold Trump and Fascism over our heads basically saying if we don’t “stop him at the ballot box” that they have no plans to stop him otherwise. If he wins, even illegitimately, these milquetoast fucking babies will be the first on a plane out of the country to leave the rest of us to suffer under a despotic regime.
It’s abuse, and it’s sickening that I have to vote for people who are abusing me and threatening me with fascism if I don’t go along with their half-ass gotta-please-the-conservatives stupid bullshit. It’s just like with Israel, we’re supposed to be supporting the Democrats, but they’re literally supporting the Israeli version of Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu. Like, why are we supposed to trust they’ll have any balls when all they do is make nice with fucking fascists and try to give them what they want? Did anyone with half a brain expect anything other than straight genocide from Netanyahu? Because the Democrats have no balls so they’ll glad-hand his fascist genocidal ass and tell us we need to vote for them to stop fascism, as if they’re not enabling it in Israel.
The reason Biden did it is because his donors wanted it..