Yes you read that correctly. I, BigFig, the head moderator of this community have just tonight, finally, played DnD for the first time with my friends.

I chose to be the DM and ran a 3 member party; a sorcerer, a wizard, and a barbarian; through the first chapter of Dragons of Stormwreck Isle.

I am absolutely hooked and cannot wait to continue.

    102 years ago

    That’s awesome! My friend group tried out DND in a similar way, none of us had ever played before so one stepped up to DM. I’ve become a DM myself since then, almost begrudgingly at first but I’ve really come to enjoy it. But if I may ask, what got you to set up a DND community before playing yourself? Were you inspired by communities on other sites, or by following campaigns (Critical Role et. al)?

    • BigFigOPM
      162 years ago

      I have been immersed in the D&D community for over a decade of my life. I’ve owned most of the books of the last 10 years, and I have listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts, consumed every comic there is to consume, ready days of articles, etc.

      But my friend group has always been either uncoordinated, in different parts of the world, or just different places in life that things have never lined up for us to actually play the game. FINALLY things have lined up just right and I am DMing not one but TWO groups!

      • Father Ogre
        22 years ago

        Have your played any other systems? Back in high school I played Rifts with that group, more recently we are taking a D&D break and playing a game using the Fate system. Not trying to derail anyone from D&D, just curious.

        • BigFigOPM
          22 years ago

          Nope, not a single ttrpg. Plenty of board games, video games etc but never a ttrpg

  • HandsHurtLoL
    72 years ago

    How many dice sets do you have now, and how many will you have next month? Lol

      • HandsHurtLoL
        82 years ago

        WHAT!? You’ve been a shiny rock goblin but had never played DND?

        Well, welcome lol

    22 years ago

    AWESOME! Keep it up. I ended up doing a quick 2 session DM fill in for my crew while our main DM was on vacation. 2 years later and we have yet to finish my homebrew campaign that came from it.