Hey Elon, go fuck yourself.
Nice callback
That’s rude where are your manners? It’s Hey Enron, go fuck yourself PLEASE.
Isn’t it funny? He’s told everyone to fuck off, and they did. But now he’s realizing that you can’t be a cunt, while running a company, that’s already sinking, so he’s begging them to come back
Fuck Elon, but not literally so his genes can end.
Too late for that
tbf, im pretty sure all his kids hate him and disowned him
I wonder if any of them will willingly give up all his billions of dollars when the douchebag finally kicks the bucket though
That’s very clever as Nice is not far from Cannes. Had he tried to make it from LA it would’ve been much farther.
Wait a second, I think I’m just about to get it, maybe if I read it one more time…
Ah yes, but has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can.
OK, that’s amazing, and should clear that up completely. ;)
Read said directly after the introductions (and after a very large crowd had lined up to see the talk) as seen in a video posted from the event. “Now, back in November, you had a message to us. You told us to sort of go fuck ourselves. So, maybe we start there.”
Great opening!
For those who need a refresher, the tweet Musk re-shared that started this whole mess stated that Jewish communities “have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” The post also cited an antisemitic conspiracy of “hordes of minorities” infiltrating Western countries. Musk’s two cents? As he put it at the time, “You have said the actual truth.”
“I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time,” Musk continued. “But at least you know it’s genuine. … I think it’s better to be real than to go through a filter.”
So its better to be a mask-off antisemite than closeted even though he claims not to be?