That explains why we never hear about either of them anymore.
Apparently Jesus did get cancelled pretty hard, but he uncancelled himself three days later.
I’d try the same cancelling method on Trump. Just to see if he uncancels himself after 3 days.
Pure scientific curiosity, mind you. I’m not saying this in any political sense.
No one should have that kind of power!
When you’re famous they just let you
Two days later, which is “on the third day.”
I remember when Jesus got banned for a week on Facebook for posting a racist meme. So unfair.
Jesus also gave his boyfriend a handjob at a play.
After blowing vaporized nicotine on some children.
Or when Jesus said “grab them by the pussy”.
Says the coke whore
Ugh. This shit stain is on her way to becoming my representative. Fml.
well, now you’ve learnt how not to deal with the situation after the recent Trump rally…
TIL being the most influential single individual in the last 2000 years and being the front runner to get a second presidential term for the most powerful country in the world = being canceled.
I mean to be fair, Jesus was executed whereas Trump got a slap on the wrist and had mean things said about him.
It makes sense she would say that because she has never read the bible in her fucking life.
Other than the heavy literature of a +/- sign on a pregnancy test I’m not sure she’s ever read anything at all.
“It’s a cross that means Jesus will force you to have a baby.”
Is this the new “Simpsons already did it”?
Cunk already did it…
(3:40 if you want to get right to it)
Ah shit I posted this exact clip before seeing this. Glad I’m not the only one fearfully watching life catch up to parodied life.
I actually feel embarrassed for her. Donny, you’re out of your element.
Ten year olds, dude.
Republicans are so predictable and their base is so gullible. Too bad Democrats don’t want to win.
ROFL She’s making a lot of noise but not saying anything of value. These public outbursts are quite silly, especially the factually inaccurate ones!
She’s making a lot of noise but not saying anything of value.
Well yeah… she’s a Republican.
This is what brain drain looks like and damn is it terrifying to behold!
As the great philosopher Crustallus Aquae said
talkin’ loud as a motherfucker, but still ain’t sayin’ shit
Her audience is the stupid.
She is merely the political conduit from which their chaotic stupidity is expressed. Just a vessel which has basic needs, taking up a seat which would be better served by having someone smarter in it.
I wonder if Lauren bobert’s entire existence is a Psy-op. Like, does she exist just to push the misogynist narrative that all women are stupid?
eVeryTHing Is CaNceLledd
Rarely I get to post a relevant Cunk on Earth clip, this is one of those times.