I mean to be fair, Jesus was executed whereas Trump got a slap on the wrist and had mean things said about him.
I mean to be fair, Jesus was executed whereas Trump got a slap on the wrist and had mean things said about him.
It actually is a good book. As someone from the same general area, I saw a lot of my own family and experiences reflected in his writing. I had hopes that he might step up and push for more of a class-conscious republican party until he turned out to be a fascist tool.
As excited as I am to see my home city actually growing and gaining national attention, I miss the chill cow-town vibes. Traffic is only gonna get worse from here.
I feel like the left need to reclaim patriotism. It’s hard to get the average voter excited for your policies when you’re constantly shitting all over their home. That’s why I hang my big American flag in my window, with my trans and pride flags in the others. Fuck you rednecks, come and take it.
Any bets on which state will be next? My bet is Mississippi.
quit JAQing off bro
Can you imagine how heavy one of those would be at full scale?
IDK why people are downvoting you, that’s essentially how it works. Everything is super interconnected now, but it wasn’t always that way and the constitution hasn’t been updated to reflect it.
IDK man my toaster oven works pretty well
Shit man, I used to commute almost that exact distance each way. Anything under triple digits is practically in-town in many places.
You were being an ignorant dick and I called you on it. It’s not my fault you can’t handle a few hours on the road.
Touche lol
The rural exodus happened for many reasons, none of which have to do with the availability of high-speed internet. People are born where they are born, and often live there too. Sometimes that place is densely populated and replete with amenities, such as the Alps, sometimes it’s not. You don’t have to be an uneducated dick.
two hours is waaaay out there guys!
My sides are in orbit! Here is a side-by side of the Alps
next to a small section of the American Rockies,
which is still nothing compared to Canada (yes there are people in that big empty area).
No offense, but true European rural doesn’t exist.
That whole “yes I want to take your guns bit” is a really bad look.