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It feels like the novelty of an attempted XPOTUS assassination wore off in less than 48 hours. That’s crazy.
Nobody around me is even talking about this anymore - not at work, not on social, not at the grocery store, nowhere.
Idk if that’s due to everyone being super jaded or because it’s Trump. If it’s because it’s him, then I wonder if it’s because nobody gives a shit about him or if it’s just not surprising someone would take a shot at him or just because it’s irrelevant to his candidacy or what else.
It’s just right-on-right violence; nobody cares.
It’s just another convicted felon getting shot outside a major city, typical gang on gang violence
Especially the right. If this kid had a little more left in him they’d never stop. Introspection about the normalization of political violence among conservatives is not something they’re interested in.
They certainly got quieter once they found out he was a registered Republican.
I mean, they’re not going to stop regardless – they’ll be blatantly lying about the assassination’s motivations to smear the left until the election and beyond. Still, from an election strategy point of view, that’s definitely better than them being able to make “both sides” claims that are true.
If the kid had been a hair left of THEIR perceived center MAGAs would had declared civil war.
I actually have a different perspective on it, I think people stopped caring because it was a shooting where “only” 1 person was killed. Gun violence is so normalized that the only 2 reasons it got any coverage at all is because of the timing and the target.
This is potentially the grimmest perspective I’ve ever read. I don’t think you’re wrong, either.
Yea, it’s a pretty dark realization. I don’t feel bad for Trump. I feel bad for every single gun death that has occurred leading to this incident being a minor footnote.
We didn’t even mention gun violence, the only conversation was motive.
The same week that Jamar Clark, there was a mass shooting at the warehouse district blue line stop. 3-4 people died with a few more shot.
Jamar was shot by cops. The others were shot in a gang dispute (the victims were not associated, but mostly black, the shooter was black, iirc,)
You won’t find the names of the victims anywhere online.
Also, before Sound Bar closed down, there were weekly gang fights spilling out of the joint, into the streets/lot out back.
People were shot monthly with a string of deaths for about 2-3 years.
Then a C-tier Vikings player got winged and suddenly they yeeted the liquor license.
We’re absolutely desensitized and the only time we know about a stranger getting shot is because there was something about the case- killed by cops, the shooter was famous, the victim was famous, or it was some kid, or it was in the context of a mass murder and nothing else was going on.
Mannnnn flashback to me working valet at sound bar the night of their last shooting. Heard them pops inside the joint and we all book. Ladies spilling out the door tripping over each other. Goofy fucking night
That entire stretch of 3rd ave was sketchy. Pyramid (used to be tenth inning,) but the sign was spelled “Pyrmid”…
Frankly, the most shocking part to me is that it took this long for someone to try, with how unendingly controversial he is
Given how much he owes construction contractors in New York, yeah.
This wasn’t the first attempt there’s been a good number. This is just the most successful.
Anywhere I can read about the others?
Not comprehensive but it’s got two more. I think there was another where a dude hopped the Whitehouse fence.
It makes sense to me, like, it does not make me want to vote for him.
You’d think the writers of the last couple Game of Thrones seasons shot him!
Previously unmatched in their ability to hit an easy target, but a new contender has emerged!
It’s like a lottery ticket off by one number. Sure, it was almost a reason to throw a party, but almost doesn’t really get people talking.
I get your point, but damn I’d love to have a Powerball ticket that was off by one number. That’s more than enough money to retire on. Not that I need it, it’d just be nice to retire at 43 rather than 49.
I feel like this is just the state of America now. When everyone was freaking out that this was the downfall of the election yadda yadda… I was just thinking to myself “this is the country where kids get slaughtered in school and we’re sad for like 2 days… I give this a week at most”
Really? I was at the gym yesterday and they couldn’t stop framing things with the assassination attempt. “Two days after assassination attempt, day two of the RNC.”
Like, that was literally the chyron on CNN. Yesterday evening.
Yes, really! I thought you might find the post I’m linking above interesting. It was at the top of my feed this morning and may be relevant here.
I am curious if maybe you were witnessing people of the Boomer generation (or older GenX) discussing this because they are more likely to be consuming mainstream broadcast news?
Teddy Roosevelt was shot point blank in the chest at a campaign stop. The bullet penetrated his chest after passing through a steal eyeglass case and his 50 page speech. Teddy noted he wasn’t coughing blood and knew he would survive. He calmed the lynch mod down that were going to murder the assassin and then did his speech.
He lost the election despite being a total badass.
Later, Teddy reluctantly ran as VP with McKinley who won the election and was quickly assassinated. Teddy became president and won a second term.
Anyway, attempted assassination isn’t the boost people think it is - even for awesome badasses like Teddy Roosevelt.
The idea was probably rather that the right would spin this as some sort of attack on their existence and go full on Reichstagsbrand.
Playing the victim is the entire Spiel of the far right, it’s not implausible that actually being a victim would create a boost from undecided voters.
Donald Trump could shit himself and they’d try to spin it as a leftist attack on their existence.
He famously started that speech with the line “I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose!”
Turns out, he’s still a POS convicted felon and racist.
Don’t forget convicted r***st and suspected pedophile! ;)
Too funny, I typed rapist and it autocorrected to racist yet that’s even more accurate.
Sometimes when we know there will be a Trump argument with family Trumpers. My wife will yell out at some point of the conversation “He’s a racist!” they then spend a bunch of time loading up their talking points. Only for me to go “Honey, didn’t you mean rapist” and then she will chime in “Oh yeah, he raped his wife and that 13 year old girl… But he is also racist”.
Ends all Trump talk in my experience
Did you mean to censor the word rapist, or is this some new weird censor thing?
It was intentional out of courtesy for those who may have experienced past trauma or stigma associated with such.
After the upside down Bible stunt, nobody trusts this incident wasn’t just theater.
The “Wait Wait Wait!” and then subsequent fist pumping looked like he had momentarily forgotten the WWE script
I don’t even think it’s that. I think it’s that no one really cares since it changed nothing. His supporters don’t care because he survived and it’s the same reason why the people who are against him don’t care.
I haven’t heard of that, what’s the upside down Bible stunt?
Maybe it’s because everybody is already so used to his drama.
i lived in new york, i know what a baggel is.
Eurgh, you’re the worst.
I think you mean “wurst”
Yeah, the dude does so much stupid stuff that it’s hard to maintain a level of giving a shit.
Yesterday, I saw a clip of Stephen Colbert’s monologue from Monday night where he was doing his monologue sitting down at his desk, which is his custom when there’s a major tragedy. It made me realize how desensitized I’ve become, because I was thinking, “wtf is he still going on about this for, that happened on Saturday, aren’t we all passed it already?”
The best possible news.
Repeat after me:
Polls are bullshit. Polls have always been bullshit. Polls only real impact is to allow people to manipulate statistics to lull voters in a false sense of confidence or security in order to stop them from voting.
Ignore the polls, especially the polls that say your side is winning or the other side is losing. Polls are a very, very effective way to convince voters to stay home without ever asking them or telling them to stay home.
I’ve never been so happy to be wrong in my life. I thought this would have been the ultimate booster for him, virtually guaranteeing him a huge victory. I’m so relieved people aren’t quite as cattle-like as I feared.
I’m right there with you.
It may be, but don’t rest easy yet. The war is not over! There is still work to be done. Get out there and vote, get your friends to vote.
I’m actually shocked. I dispise trump but I still thought that image of him holding up his fist and shouting “fight!” was p badass. I thought for sure that, plus sympathy, would give him a big push. I’m relieved it didn’t.
How far away was the dead guy behind him while he was standing triumphantly with a fist in the air?
Tree fiddy stretchers away
This is a really shitty and unfair criticism of his behaviour, if that’s what you’re implying.
Trying to provoke a civil war scares moderates. You don’t want to be badass after an assassination attempt, you want to be stable.
For me, the coolness of “fight!” fist pump was completely ruined by him first making sure that he had his high heel shoes on.
That’s a good point. I dunno how he even ended up shoeless to begin with
There might be validity to the theory that everyone who wanted to vote for a “tough guy” already was before the shogt
You could say trump was shot down in the polls.
Was he?
Well he wasn’t shot up, that’s for sure.
We all wish he would shut up, though.
The poll ran friday-sunday and got most of their responses before the shooting even happened…
One theory is that the incumbent benefits more from uncertainty like an assassination attempt because they’re more of a known quantity. That might be offsetting the increased support for Trump.
That’s interesting, good point. I guess it’s a bit of a strange situation where Trump is also kind of incumbent.
I’d argue they’re both incumbents though. Trump, shitty as he is, is a known quantity as much as Biden is. More so, maybe.
He’s all tapped out and headed for his third big loss in a row.
Trump be like: someone shoot me in the arse so I can get more ratings. Watch.
Cuz he’s a piece of shit.