My pet conspiracy theory is that there’s already been multiple attempts since Butler, but they aren’t being publicized because they don’t want to encourage others.
My pet conspiracy theory is that there’s already been multiple attempts since Butler, but they aren’t being publicized because they don’t want to encourage others.
If you want to really sabotage the war effort, use the war to push for state secession from the union, particularly if you’re in a blue state. Most of the blue states are economic engines that keep the rest of the machine ticking. If they leave, or try to, that’ll be a huge kick in the nuts to any war effort.
Do you have a gun? Do you have ammo? Do you know how to use it? Do you have relevant and useful skills for a resistance? If not, what’s stopping you?
Jared Diamond wrote about it in Collapse, where he covers how we handle extractive industries and how we could better regulate them. That’s where I learned about it. I tried finding an article about it, and I could find stuff talking about the policy indirectly, but nothing directly about it.
Let’s be real, has Trump ever been to a national park? Like really been to one and not just popped in for a speech or photo op? Has he ever, in his entire sad life, been on a fucking hike? Been farther than 500 ft from the next nearest human? These places aren’t even real in his mind, they’re just concepts. It’s impossible to really imagine consequences to actions against concepts. He’ll absolutely make our parks private property if given the chance. Don’t like it? Too bad, go get rich and buy your own national park, nobody’s stopping you.
I hope he and Elon live long enough to end up in the bread lines they’re going to cause.
Well, it depends. On short leases, it does work exactly like the lorax. They just clear cut that shit as hard as they can to maximize how much money they can make on it. Montana and some other northern states eventually figured out that you should set these companies up with 100 year leases that pierce the corporate veil, so that even if the company strip cuts the plot and declares bankruptcy, you can go give the owner a big fat financial wedgie for the next 100 years. I think it’s a pretty smart solution, and from what I’ve heard, the companies in these arrangements do pretty good forest management.
Sorry, best we can do is fuck everyone over to protect PG&E so they’ll only declare bankruptcy once every two years instead of every six months. What? Why would you say that privatized, de-regulated utilities were a mistake?
Yeah, I remember it being pitched right after the election. Idk, if Kamala actually runs on a progressive platform and doesn’t redshift like she did late in the election, I might consider her seriously.
I hate the top-two jungle primary. Damnit, if I want to vote for the person with no chance at winning, I shouldn’t have to write them in! I’d honestly much prefer to see some flavor of ranked choice vote implemented (not trying to kick off an argument about RCV flavors, just using it as a blanket term).
Yeah, I don’t know. If the DNC/base collectively choose another centrist corporate republic-lite for the candidate, I’m going to fucking lose it. Can’t wait to see the voter blaming in 2029.
Imma be straight with you, dawg, my MAGA mom is still unironically, dead seriously convinced that Obama is the anti-Christ and he’s going to come back and seize control of the government and launch a nuclear apocalypse literally any moment now.
The thing is, the elders have all bought in to this idea that there’s no money for social security and medicare not because it’s been whittled away and underfunded and means tested to death for forty years, but rather there’s just massive, massive fraud, and everybody’s stealing from social security before it gets to them. So, they’re probably all cheering this push to cut entitlements because they think that all these fraudsters will be kicked off, and surely they won’t be kicked off, surely their social security benefits will actually be a good amount once all those mooches are kicked off. When it does happen to them, and it will, they won’t realize that it was by design, they’ll all be stunned that Trump and Musk made this “mistake” and swept them up in the cuts.
No, they’re gonna. It’s exactly what happened last recession. The pain got offshored to the workers, and the people with assets used the moment to leverage their assets to buy more assets on the cheap.
Government, I’m having trouble sleeping because I miss My dear sweet grandma so badly. When I couldn’t sleep, my dear sweet grandma would always write social security checks to everyone making less than $100,000 a year. Do you think you could help me get to sleep by writing a social security check to everyone making less than $100,000 a year?
I, for one, look forward to getting social security for people who need it by finding the latest greatest prompt injection attack
Yeah, I recently read a Guardian article about how the crackdown on non-violent protestors in the UK is leading climate activists to a little more, uh, active forms of protest. If you’re going to jail for five years anyway, you might as well make it count.
And how’s that working out?
I think it’s completely nuts that after the last 20 years and especially the last 12 years, Democrats still seem to think that compromising with the right will flip republicans voters. Gavin, my guy, they think you’re literally the reincarnation of Stalin. You could gargle Trump’s nuts and they’d still hate you
Straight up, most Saturday morning cartoon villains would be like “go home, heroes. I’ve got this one, and I don’t want you to see what I’m about to do to him.”