There are many reports of live lyrics rolling out to YouTube Music for Android (version 6.15) and iOS (6.16) today. You might want to Force stop YTM from App info before checking, and be sure to try multiple songs if you don’t see it immediately.
This rollout is not tied to the updated Now Playing UI that adds comments that’s also being tested.
Isn’t youtube music still just steaming youtube videos without the video?
they have the proper audio from the artist
it’s only when the song is not available on it that they will use a video (or if specifically want to listen these versions)
Oh thats good to know. Maybe if their exploration stuff was a bit better it would be worth using now.
been using it for years now
always has been a very good app for me : great catalog (pulling for youtube is huge), great UI/UX, smooth, no visible bugs, top tier algo
The migration from Play Music wasn’t great for me. There are multiple songs that for whatever reason used a random YouTube upload for the match rather than an existing official one.
No they’re definitely different. Just pick a video that’s not just the song
And the screen goes dark still due to the screen sleeping after x seconds/minutes. Why can’t they think of not stopping the screen from going dark? Such a simple thing…
Great feature finally added. YTM has become quite a good music app for me.
Thanks Google. Very epic and very cool 😎