Democratic lawmakers hailed President Joe Biden’s historic decision on Sunday not to seek reelection, praising him as putting his country and his party before himself. Republicans called on him to resign from office, saying that if he could not run for another term, office, then he’s unable to serve as president.
Biden’s announcement came after more than two weeks of Democrats urging him to withdraw from the race. Nearly three dozen lawmakers had publicly called on him to end his reelection bid. Others had voiced concerns privately about what the ramifications would be for down-ballot Democrats if he remained in the race. When the president heeded those concerns, Democrats called it a selfless move.
Who cares what the Republikkkans say?
Putting equal emphasis on the opinions of both sides is what got us in this fuckhole to begin with. No matter how niche a voice, your opinion matters equal on any and all topics including reproductive health and climate mechanics.
“That 81 year old is way too old for the job, vote for our 78 year old!” is a bold strategy
That’s the best part. Why is trump even running… he looks so tired.
Because his options literally are win or go to jail
His only chance at avoiding prison time for his many, many crimes committed while in office last time necessitate that he become President again, even though it was quite clear in 2016 that he was surprised he actually won and didn’t want to do the job.
If he gets elected, all of those active indictments gets swept away on Day 1 and the SCOTUS has already paved the way for him to be “exonerated”.
A vote for Trump is a vote for justice denied.
Especially when he’ll be older in 2028 than Biden is now.
Although I’ll wager the job is harder on Biden than it is on Trump, on the grounds that Trump doesn’t actually bother to do it. He just played golf and signed shit for other people without looking at it.
What do you mean? That’s 30 years of difference? \s
Well… They set the standards of play.
You think they will play by em now? I mean anybody that doesn’t just want a king would.
Do Republicans just want to destabilize the country until it’s destroyed?
Literally yes. That is fascism. Palingenetic ultranationalism.
No, it means it’s spelled the same way backwards as forwards.
A palindrome is an arena where Sarah Palin impersonators gather and perform.
Palingenesis: Rebirth, Reincarnation. The term has a distinctively religious connotation, it contains “Genesis” after all.
destroy it and then rebuild it according project 2025, sounds on brand.
I don’t think they want to put the time or effort into rebuilding anything.
The Koch brother’s plan was to invest in state races to win enough legislatures and governors to call a new constitutional convention, and have enough anarcho-capitalist stooges to formally reshape the country as their libertarian oligarchy utopia where the rest of us are just indentured serfs.
That’s the first time I’m reading of this, have any source?
It’s been going on for a while, I believe they were big in funding Tea Party candidates, for example. One the two brothers has since died, though. I just did a google search for “koch brothers constitutional convention” and here are some of the links
Wow, thanks!
Yeah bro, where you been?
They just want to destabilize it until they can steal power, but if anything gets destroyed along the way they’ll just blame the libs
Since Nixon
Conservatives will turn to authoritarianism when democracy doesn’t work for them.
They did that a long time ago so why are you phrasing this like it’s a future transition?
Yes they do.
Maga people sure do.
The Republicans were calling for President Elect Biden to resign even while their leader was staging a violent coup to end the Republic.
The fascist GOP can get fucked. What they want should be irrelevant and their very presence opposed.
From a foreigner, this is undoubtedly true, unless you goal is secretly to have a king.
Given our Supreme Court ruling that a US president can’t commit crimes, they’re not being very secret about their goal of making the US a dictatorship.
None of it… Is secret… The trump calls. Even to the fucking election investigator in Georgia!? The paperwork.
It’s all there. Any American who supports trump today is either literally special needs level education (and haven’t looked at or understood thr tapes) or publicly admitting they would prefer monarchy with trump.
Pretty sad when non-Americans seem to understand the severity of this threat better than people here.
Most non-americans that finished school do.
I hope biden passes a few ‘Official Acts’ before he heads out.
Unless he resigns, he’s still president until January 20, 2025. So we will see; he’s got nothing to lose, AND presidential immunity.
Usually I’d say someone in his position has absolutely nothing to lose, but being he’s such a … typical guy, he won’t do anything and go down in history as a footnote.
Well if Harris is running couldn’t any unpopular thing that Biden does potentially be tied to her?
Repeat after me: “I condemn President Biden dropping Clarence Thomas into a dildo shredder, but I respect the supreme court decision of total presidential immunity.”
After election day, does it matter?
Like sending a few choice SCOTUS judges to gitmo
The republicans want Biden to resign so they can immediately attack Harris for simutaneously having no record and attack anything she attempts to accomplish.
If Joe Biden resigned the republicans would say “not enough! You have to commit sepukku on live TV! COWARD!”
If he had resigned that would have put in Harris as the incumbent and given her a big boost. Do they really want that?
They’re flinging bad faith criticisms at the wall and seeing what sticks, they haven’t thought that far ahead
They are currently in the position to force through their pick of a VP.
It would give them time to pin a bunch of shit on her and to keep her off the campaign trail.
As a leftist, I would prefer this and think it would give her a boost as well. And it would also invalidate the right’s new mission to keep Biden on ballots.
I saw this idea posed here recently and someone pointed out that this would put Mike Johnson as first in line for the presidency behind Harris, which isn’t a good idea especially considering recent events.
Until she nominates a VP. It isn’t like Johnson would become VP, that isn’t how it works.
And that nominee is going to be approved by the Republican controlled House a few months before the election? Do you not remember what happened when Obama tried to appoint a Supreme Court justice an entire year before he left office?
So you’d rather have them fuck with who’s on ballots. Ok.
Who, Republicans? They have no power over the DNC’s nominee nor are either party even required to have a primary. The DNC convention to choose a nominee isn’t even until next month so who’s fucking with the ballots?
I just looked it up. Normally the DNC can pick any VP candidate and run them. IF, however, there is a vacancy in the Whitehouse (if Biden steps down, Kamala does not have an elected VP) THEN Congress does have to approve the VP nominee. So yeah, do NOT let Biden resign the presidency. That would be a disaster.
So Republicans want to make Harris the first woman president asap? How progressive of them.
If she takes over now, and them beats Trump, would that count as her first term or second? Does it have to be a whole term to count?
If Biden were to resign (which he won’t), then she would assume the presidency as kind of zero-ith term; she could run for reelection twice. Two full terms.
For what purpose? Basically the same thing happened in the 1960s with Lyndon B. Johnson. For purposes of not being allowed to be elected more than twice, she would be eligible to run once more because of the text of the 22nd amendment (“and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once”). We are considerably less than two years away from the end of Biden’s term.
You know, I completely forget there was an amendment on that. 2 years it is then.
Him stepping down now has no real advantage for the republicans other than causing a minor amount of chaos and time-wasting.
Mike Johnson moves one heartbeat closer to the Whitehouse in this hypothetical. And the remaining heartbeat would be on tour campaigning, which we’ve seen can expose someone to high velocity lead poisoning. Plus, Kamala would have to oversee an unplanned administration turnover, taking time and energy away from her campaigning efforts. It’s all painfully obvious why they want this and none of it has to do with the good of the country
Speaker Mike Johnson is not fit to be a speaker, so there who cares ?
Yeah I bet the want him to resign. Untethered by reelection he might actually do something they don’t like.
You can’t satisfy it Republicans so don’t bother trying. Well, unless you use Grindr during the RNC. Then you can probably satisfy Republicans.
You couldn’t pay me enough to fuck someone who gets on stage and tells everyone that their neighbors and people like me shouldn’t exist.
You have to be nicer and more friendly than that.
If Biden where to step down now, and Harris takes over till elections. Does that count as her first term?
It would allow her to campaign as incumbent. Although not having the office does mean more time.
I believe you can still run for two full terms if you were president for less than two years. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
You are correct
No. Interm president does not count toward elected presidential terms afaik
Two years is the limit. You can be president for up to 10 years. 2 filing out the previous term and 8 being elected to the office twice.
I believe it can, but with the time left it would not
Well duh, if Kamala Harris takes over now, one of her terms are used up right?
Nope. A term doesn’t count if it’s less than two years, so Biden could resign now and Harris could be still have two full terms on top of the remaining five months of this term.