The event was combative from the start as Trump and three moderators from the National Association of Black Journalists sparred throughout.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ race took center stage in a combative back-and-forth exchange with former President Donald Trump during a panel discussion Wednesday at a gathering of Black journalists in Chicago.

“I did not know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now wants to be known as Black,” Trump said.

“I respect either one," he added, "but she obviously doesn’t, because she was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden, she made a turn and she went she became Black. … Somebody should look into that too.”

It was in response to a question about the appropriateness of some Republicans saying Harris is a “DEI hire,” a term referring to workplace policies promoting “diversity, equity and inclusion.” It has increasingly been used by some on the right to discredit people of colorwith opposing political views.

        • originalucifer
          8 months ago

          a dam has been broken… the dam that was joe bidens terrible idea at running. you had millions of people resolved to picking the older guy by default because fascism. they werent voting for president, they were voting against trump.

          harris has enabled a metric fuck-tonne of people to stand up and get energized for a capable human being.

          at the same time trumps campaign has been squarely focused on intimidating/making fun of biden. they are hopelessly lost in re-grouping n an attempt to attack harris. lets hope it stays discombobulated

          AND then theres the Weird thing, which is sticking for some reason. awesome!

            308 months ago

            Love the “weird” thing. People don’t make decisions using logic, almost always emotions are the key. Every salesman and politician knows this, though liberals seem to have missed the memo.

            Democrats are finally hitting Trump voters where it hurts, right in the emotions, with not much of a way to spin it. Calling Trump a fascist rolls right off their back. “Of course libs would say that!” But “weird” resonates in some way I can’t put my finger on.

            • originalucifer
              238 months ago

              its their own level! most conservatives couldnt define fascism if their life depended on it.

              but weird… weird is a term they use and understand. as you point out harris is finally speaking to them on their own simplistic, emotional level.

              theres also the stronger rhetoric biden would never use like threatening to showing up to a debate alone or telling him to ‘say it to my face’.

                218 months ago

                It also helps that their attempts to redirect back mostly serve to highlight their weird preoccupations.

                Things are happening like a former Trump speechwriter posting “Emmett Till was weird” on Twitter because they can’t comprehend just how unhinged and generally weird saying something like that is to a normal person.

                Or they think they’re being clever flipping the script and ranting about “boys saying they’re girls is weird.” “Why do you spend so much time obsessing over what children have in their pants? That’s really weird.”

                It all puts them in a bind. If they try to defend what they’re saying as normal, it’s very clear that it isn’t. If they try to deflect with what they think is weird, it just shows how detached they are from normal reality. It’s a surprisingly effective line of attack that largely neutralizes their normal gish galloping.

            • I’ve been enjoying the use or weird lately. I’ve had some strong personal opinions on language lately. A lot of it comes with a huge increase of new words that sort of seem abstract from it’s meaning.

              I think with how rapid information can spread to large groups of people, it’s just too fast for my mind to keep up. All of a sudden I feel like I’m in a war with words and who knows which landmine of a word will get you in trouble. It causes me even more anxiety when someone comes at you with manipulative intentions in order to control the direction of the discussion.

              I think weird works because it’s an almost basic word. It’s simple and descriptive. It’s not a newer, more specific word that requires a deeper understanding of a broader topic. It’s understood by more people. People with varying degrees of language knowledge including people whose native language is not English. It’s easier for more people to understand.

              It’s a lot easier to understand someone is weird compared to someone being a fascist.

          • knightly the Sneptaur
            8 months ago

            It’s sticking because it’s true.

            Democrats don’t act like the Republican party is a threat to democracy, so their attempts to play up that line of rhetoric always fall flat.

            However, Democrats are happy to work with weird people like the Republicans, making this line of attack much more impactful because it’s the first honest bit of propaganda in years.

        248 months ago

        Honestly. I see so many people saying Trump and republicans are falling apart and they’re terrified, but I’m like, this is the exact same rhetoric we’ve been getting from them for 8 years.

        • originalucifer
          238 months ago

          i wouldnt say falling apart… i would say ‘stumbling’. i do think the stumble is worse now than hes ever experienced.

          • attendance is down at all his rallies.
          • the negative press is increasing for a now convicted felon running against a prosecutor can only get sweeter.
          • he picked a vp that is a revolting couch-fucker compared to the chaste previous incarnation.
          • hes about to have to pay 450 milllion dollars.
          • he is now saying the fascist dictator plans out loud.

          thats just off the top of my head.

          … and then theres the other side… harris is rallying people in volumes we havent seen since obama

      138 months ago

      Even his campaign thinks so. It was so bad they pulled him offstage before the final question about Project 2025 could be asked.

      28 months ago

      Remember 2016. Everybody thought he would lose, said his campaign was a train wreck… He’s saying the same shit that got him elected last time.

      So I wouldn’t say it’s unraveling. This is the kind of campaign that can make him win.

        8 months ago

        He won’t have Comey in the eleventh hour handng him a huge gift in reopening the investigation that never had anything to go on for years because they found another laptop with all the same data on it as before but ’ it might be illegal until we double verify it’s all the exact same data as our analysts have already said it is ’

    • Drunemeton
      278 months ago

      Didn’t you mean to say Donald Trump is a weird creepy old man?

      I’d hate to have search indexers fail to connect the dots in your very true statement that Donald Trump is a weird creepy old man.

    • Lemminary
      228 months ago

      Whoa, cut him some slack. Reading does not come easily to him.

  • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
    338 months ago

    Someone should look into that? What is it with this guy making weird requests against his opponents. He is so used to giving direction this way like a gangster. Removes any personal responcibility from his statements.

    248 months ago

    So this event went exactly as well as anyone with any common sense at all would assume it would go? 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️

    188 months ago

    Interesting that he puts it this way. Surely he knows that once you go Black, you don’t go back?

      68 months ago

      Narcissists. This is a textbook smear campaign.

      The smear campaign is born out of a combination of factors, including the need to be right and have his or her “truth” become the prevailing script, retaining status and standing (making sure that his or her inner hidden shame doesn’t become public), and maintaining control of his or her image. The woman or man high in narcissistic traits curates her or his public persona very carefully; appearing successful, accomplished, and together is all-important.

      • citrusface
        28 months ago

        Sounds like he’s afraid of black people. That’s pretty weird.

        -158 months ago

        Narcissist means either disabled neurodivergent, or asexual. Trump is neither of these things, he’s a privileged fascist asshole and he’s weird.

        • archomrade [he/him]
          78 months ago

          I have no idea what dictionary you’re working from but ‘asexual’ doesn’t appear in mine under ‘narcissism’ or ‘narcissist’

            8 months ago

            The word is based on a Greek guy, Narcissus, who rejected all sexual and romantic advances. One of the suitors he spurned prayed to Nemesis that he should love what he cannot have. So Nemesis made him fall in love with his reflection and starve to death. It’s a story about how hostile Greek culture was to asexuality. Nemesis is the god of divine punishment for hubris. The Greeks didn’t understand asexuality, and thought it meant that the person in question thought they were above all other mortals. This is where the association with big ego comes from. It’s from Greeks misunderstanding asexuality as hubris.

            Also Narcissus was 16. Anyone who thinks he was the bad guy in that story is a pedo. And anyone who uses “n*rcissist” as an insult is sus

              98 months ago

              That’s interesting context on the root of the word, but just because the name of the personality disorder was inspired by Greek mythology doesn’t mean the word’s use today is invalid.

              Words change and adapt new meanings. Etymology tracks where words come from, but those roots don’t dictate how new words are formed. The word “narcissism” has been in use for over 100 years and while people might know it has ties to the myth, there isn’t anyone who would use it to mean “this person is just like Narcissus.”

              If we followed your logic, we’d have to stop using words like atlas, cereal, music, mentor, morphine, nemesis, and so many other words that come from names of people/gods in Greek mythology lest someone assume we mean some detail from the inspiring myth that most people don’t even know about.

                -78 months ago

                Well sure. The word can also be an ableist slur for people with NPD. That’s the most common way it’s used these days.

                • archomrade [he/him]
                  58 months ago

                  That’s the most common way it’s used these days.

                  Or I suppose they could also mean ‘excessive preoccupation with or admiration of oneself’, such as in this case

            • archomrade [he/him]
              88 months ago

              Lol, first, lots of english words have their origin in greek or roman historical figures but few of them actually bear any resemblance to their origin in contemporary usage

              second, the common usage likely came from the fact that Narcissus was in love with himself, not that he was asexual

              Casting the usage of the word ‘narcissist’ as being an intentional reference to a marginalized sexual preference instead of it’s common and even documented definitions is a bit overzealous

              You do you though.

                -88 months ago

                Narcissus was cursed to fall in love with his reflection by a god. It’s not actually one of his character traits, it’s just how he died. The story is one of Greeks mistaking asexuality for egotism. If someone uses the cultural reference, I’m going to assume they’ve mistaken asexuality for egotism and they’re probably a pedo.

        • LustyArgonian
          8 months ago

          I assure you, it does not mean “neurodivergent” and most neurodivergent people are not narcissistic. However, capitalism, isolation, insecurity (advertising), lack of community, hyperindividualism, all creates a good recipe for creating a nation of narcissistic people. And so we get lots of flavors:

          -intellectual narcissists: only “smart” people are valid, and they determine who and what are smart ofc as if it was objective.

          -moral narcissists: super common, only “moral” position is theirs, they are an extremely good person in their eyes and a savior who must give “help” and “advice”

          -financial narcissists: don’t even need to be rich, just have to feel superior to people poorer than themselves. Tons of them monitor homeless people to an EXTREMELY CREEPY level and may even involve some moral narcissism by claiming the homeless are all bad people who steal, or physical narcissism by claiming all homeless are drug addicts

          -physical narcissists: lots of varieties

          –weight narcissists: feel superior based on their weight compared to others. Whether that’s being big or little.

          –physical competency narcissists: often have phobias about physical disability, often will excessively loft and may even abuse steroids or other drugs to be in “perfect” health

          –beauty narcissists: see The Picture of Dorian Gray, think of people who will only associate with other beautiful people (and for a bonus game, think of how these types of narcissists pay for programs that are basically eugenics along these parameters - the Olympics, modeling, beauty pageants, actors amd actresses, MENSA, churches, etc - they all try to fish for people with good genes so they can live vicariously through their child, a life free of shame and uncomfortable emotions. ).

          –racial narcissists: white supremacists, other racial superiority groups

          –gender narcissists: incels, misogynists, transphobes

          Look for things like:

          1. an inability to perspective take, can’t agree to disagree
          2. demand for perfectionism. Their version of “perfect” is based on value statements, not anything actually measurable or achievable (so they can always keep you striving).
          3. Sensitive to shame and jealousy
          4. Entitled, controlling

          So eg a parent who is a gender narcissist (to use the term loosely) like Elon Musk will react by

          1. ignoring the other person’s wants, concerns, thoughts
          2. demand their kid be “perfect” to Elon’s standards (which will never be achievable- there will always be another demand)
          3. Use their kids as a proxy to enact their shame through, get wildly jealous when their kids surpass the shame they feel because they themselves can’t escape it. Meaning, Elon feels shame and jealousy that his daughter did what he could never do - endure the “shame” of being trans.
          4. He thinks it’s appropriate to force her and others to be cis, and he tries to publicly shame her (he thinks everyone is sensitive to shame like he is, bc he can’t perspective take) to force her into good behavior

          The formula becomes quite clear and predictable once you understand what’s happening. That’s VERY different than someone with low serotonin counting tiles over and over again, or someone with a panic attack crying from fear. Partially because it’s a series of beliefs that can theoretically be unlearned over time. There’s no medication for it because it’s like learning a language incorrectly - how can you make someone forget a whole language with a drug? You can’t, you just start where they are at and teach them as much as they can learn and WANT to learn, each day. This is the impact individuals have on culture.

            -38 months ago

            Hey look it’s pseudoscience. Also your username appropriates Austronesian culture disrespectfully. Makes sense. Bigots in one area tend to be problematic in other ways.

            • LustyArgonian
              8 months ago

              How does it appropriate Austronesian culture disrespectfully? It’s a childhood nickname and not related to the concept of Mana in video games.

              Can you define pseudoscience and explain how that definition applies to the field of psychology?

              Do you think morality is objective or subjective?

                • LustyArgonian
                  18 months ago

                  Maybe if I was bad at arguing. But if they answer the questions I’ve given them, I have another point that confirms my argument quite nicely. That they haven’t answered is likely because they see the trap and want to avoid it. They gave up. That’s fine, I still won the argument if they withdraw.

  • Flying Squid
    148 months ago

    Yes, much like John Howard Griffin or that dude in the 80s movie Soul Man, Kamala Harris turned black.

      • Flying Squid
        68 months ago

        It was in heavy rotation on one of the movie channels for a while when I was a kid (my dad was a movie historian, so we had HBO, Cinemax and Showtime so he could tape movies to show to class) and also Rae Dawn Chong is in it and I was horny and like 12.

          8 months ago

          also Rae Dawn Chong is in it and I was horny and like 12.

          Sounds like our ages are within a few years of each other. She was not the only reason I liked Beat Street, but it didn’t hurt.

          FWIW, I rewatched Beat Street a few months ago, with a little bit of fear that I’d find one of my old favorites was actually unwatchable drek.

          Nope. I know it wasn’t an oscar winner, and maybe I’m one of like 15 people who think this, but that movie still slaps, and I appreciated some of the commentary far more deeply with a few more decades behind me.

          Also Rae Dawn Chong.