She was ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR CALIFORNIA how the fuck would that insult ever, ever stick? Literally the general of all the lawyers. lmfao
Plus it seems like some weird ass info to pull out of your pocket like someone insults you and you bring up a test score of theirs from 30 years ago as a response.
Well he is a really weird guy. And also very old.
They shouldn’t let him sit in on the mudslinging strategy sessions. He doesn’t listen but then wants to participate. This is like how he was talking about drinking bleach, he heard something and is trying his best to repeat it.
Too old and suffering from dementia.
Meh, she was a DEI Hire. None of her accolades or accomplishments mean anything, haven’t you heard?
Yes, I have also heard she was Indian, until it was advantageous to be black, for her career. Many people are saying this. It must be true.
No no, she became black. Like the guy in the 80s movie Soul Man.
He kept saying it in a quasi South African accent. Blek. Reminded me of Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon II.
When did Trump decide to become orange? Has anyone checked if he’s actually orange by nature or just pretending to be?
Yes, once she found it would be advantageous to be black, she became black.
I’m pretty sure it’s never advantageous to be black in America.
Other than just satirizing Trump, that’s the joke.
Since when have facts mattered to him or his supporters?
Technically Trump is a genius.
“She failed her bar exam. She did not pass her bar exam, so maybe she would not pass the cognitive test,” Trump said. “She did not pass her bar exam, and she did not think she would pass it, and she did not think she would ever pass it, and I don’t know what happened.”
Many people are saying that Trump wouldn’t pass a cognitive test live on television.
Man thinks you have to study for a cognitive test.
He said he wants to challenge her to one, and I just thought of the Knowledge Challenge between Billy and Eric in Billy Madison.
Mr. Trump, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
… A simple “No” would have be fine.
Business Ethics!
He’s literally still talking about his dementia test holy shit.
Does he even understand how hard a bar exam is to pass? It’s pretty common to have to retake it.
Seems like first time it’s between 50 to 70% of people (depending on hear,)
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that because she was a courtroom prosecutor, and Attorney General of California, that she did ultimately pass the bar exam.
I’m going to go out another limb and say that Donald Trump has not passed a bar exam.
That’s more like… a fork in the main trunk!
Trump probably hasn’t passed a test ever since his daddy realized what an idiot he spawned and started paying the tutors to test for him.
Probably around the first grade. Maybe kindergarten.
(Do they do tests in kindergarten?)
Trump probably hasn’t passed a test ever
Wharton School of Business professor William T. Kelley — “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had”
You’re probably right.
What does that say about his cult followers?
They probably didn’t attend Wharton School of Business.
(Do they do tests in kindergarten?)
I seem to recall being chided by the teacher in kindergarten for not being able to tie my shoes. I suppose that counts as a “test”?
You wanna talk about savage things teachers sometimes say to students?
I had an art teacher in middle school, who said something to the effect of “Sometimes the point of art class is so you can learn you can’t do art.”
In her defense, it was one hideous clay mask.
Okay, now I have to tell this story.
Second grade, Catholic school, 1976. I’m standing in front of the class with some other students, writing cursive lower-case “l’s” on the chalkboard. I am apparently not doing it right. The teacher comes over to me, grabs my cheek between her fingers, and shakes my head around while berating me.
This is not where the story ends.
At the end of the school day, I go to the office before my mom picks me up to go home, and tell the principal what happened. I kind of get the brush off, go climb into the back seat of my mom’s yellow 1972 Cutlass, and go home.
This is not where the story ends.
Next day, I’m in class again, having mostly forgotten the previous day’s nonsense. The principal shows up in the doorway and beckons me and the teacher into the hallway. Now I am fully reminded of the previous day, and kind of looking forward to what’s about to happen.
Principal says to the teacher, “This young man tells me that you did this to him yesterday.” – grabbing my cheek and shaking my head around. Teacher: “No, I did not do this to him.” – grabbing my cheek and shaking my head around. “Are you certain you didn’t do this to him?” “I am quite certain I didn’t do this to him.”
I was six years old. For a brief moment here, I was unable to recall the teacher’s name, but it has returned to me: Mrs. Blattner. Having to deal with the principal on many more occasions through 8th grade, I will always remember what a worthless piece of shit Warren Smith was. I am quite certain they are both dead now, and the world is a better place for it.
The most memorable savage thing I remember a teacher doing is yelling “whaddya, stupid?” with a thick Boston accent, at a student in an AP chemistry class.
Any chance you remember what the student did?
Coming in out of nowhere here, but if it was anything like my school, probably turning on a bench-mounted gas tap without a Bunsen burner attached, pulling out a lighter and creating a horizontal roaring blade of flame that was difficult to turn off.
This sort of thing fills the child in me with glee, but it’s incredibly stupid and dangerous and definitely worthy of a “corrective” exclamation.
No, sorry.
Trump still thinks everyone should be impressed that he passed a test designed to indicate if a patient suffered brain trauma. Probably because it is the only test he has ever passed without cheating.
Haha yep, it’s a big point of pride for him that his cognitive functions are intact 🤣
Does he even understand how hard a bar exam is to pass?
He probably thinks its easy to learn how to mix drinks.
Considering the chemistry involved… I doubt he can pass even that test.
But he has one of the best brains!
I’m sure the brain-doc’s say that; mostly because there’s so much wrong with it that they’re eagerly awaiting studying how it still kinda sorta functions despite being composed of something vaguely akin to lumpy mashed potatoes.
“Abby… normal.”
“What a great pair of knockers!”
🫲 I mix the best drinks. People have told me, “Donald, this is the best mixed drink I’ve ever had in my life!” and then they fell to their knees and started crying. 🫱
“Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.”
But man woman person camera though. He passed bigley
According to a friend of mine in California who went through the process. Grading on the bar exam there is simple. On every test, 50% pass and 50% fail. You either make the cut or retake the test. Somewhere around 70-80% of people fail to pass on the first try if I recall correctly.
He was not much fun to be around when he finished law school and was cramming for the bar. He passed it on the 2nd attempt.
70-80% fail on their first try, and on every test, 50% pass and 50% fail. ???
So a bunch of people who fail on their first attempt, and they pass the second (or third) time. So, of all people who eventually pass, 70-80% took the test twice or more.
Corollary: in any given exam, 20-50% of all exam takers are there for the second (or more) time. So the total number of first-timers is considerably less than 100% and I’m guessing that their failure rate is greater than 50%.
A bunch fail on their first attempt, fewer fail it on subsequent attempts because they know what the test looks like and how to prep for it. If a test has a 50% pass rate but some of the test takers have taken it before and are more likely to pass, then the first time test takers will fail more than 50% of the time. Basically, the people who are on their second or third attempt will skew the results against first time test takers, because they’re eating up all of those “pass” spots.
California is considered to be a more difficult bat exam that other states because it has a notoriously low passage rate. Note, there are some caveats to that because California is the only state where ANYONE can take the exam, JD or no, so that obviously has a depressive effect on pass rates. Moreover, you are less likely to pass all bar exams the more you retake and the global pass rates for the exam don’t factor in retakers, so it’s a weird stat that is not as informative as a lot of people make it.
Nevertheless, bar exams (and really almost all exams in law school) are curved. It isn’t targeting a 50/50 rate, I believe, but the stat you’re looking at is total pass rate per exam versus pass rate for first time test takers. You get many repeats per exam.
The far right really hate people that had to work hard and deal with setbacks to get ahead. If you’re not a nepo baby born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you’re somehow a lesser being to them.
Trump shouldn’t be talking about someone else’s once failed bar exam, which she then passed and went on to edge out everyone else in her line of work. He’s has so many failed, bankrupt and fraudulent businesses.
Moreover, Trump failed as a president because of his inadequate response to Covid 19. Hundreds of thousands of people died who didn’t have to, and some are still reeling from repercussions of long covid. Americans deserve better.
Trump’s sycophant lawyers have literally been disbarred
Maybe we should get Donald to release his SAT scores and college transcripts. Let’s see if he has any basis for complaint. I bet his scores are lower than hers.
He has scores?
The funny part is that a very large number of successful lawyers failed the bar.
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