Apropos of nothing, but I LOVE the nicknames you’ve been using (created?) for the Orange Utan.
Apropos of nothing, but I LOVE the nicknames you’ve been using (created?) for the Orange Utan.
The author of the poem was a giant piece of shit who only saw consequences when Hitler went back on his word to leave protestant churches alone. Then he complained, was sent to concentration camp, all while still being a raging anti-semite.
Martin Niehmohler sucks ass.
Every low for that man just feels like a challenge to plunge the depths of further immorality.
Behind the Bastards had a very thorough series on him. Bonus, they’re doing Oprah right now.
Great game! I just played it yesterday for the first time in at least a year and it’s still amazing.
Ah, but the rhythm will get you. Tonight.
So long as both sidesing brings in outrage clicks and views, they won’t.
Pretending that the latest monstrous and insane thing out of Trump’s hate hole is somehow breaking news is the same shit they’ve been playing since… forever.
Some of their own people (reporters) may get ground under the millstone, but that’s a price they’re willing to pay. Just the price of staying on top.
That deserves at LEAST sensible chuckle.
“What a great pair of knockers!”
Granted. I’m one of the lucky such gen X’ers whose parents were prescient and wealthy enough in the early 80s to get me a computer (Apple ][). As such, I’m mystified dealing with people much younger than me who are oddly proud of being technically illiterate… though to be fair it’s been a lot of users that I supported during my days as an IT drone, and many of those were real estate bros. Ugh.
I damn well hope so. As an elderly old man, I’m exhausted seeing technically illiterate and wildly socially backwards old men in charge of most parts of our political apparatus.
Time for people who know the internet isn’t made of fucking tubes. Or that climate change is on top of us, in the process of burning/melting those things we need in order to live.
I know I am. I quite literal don’t recognize my political leanings of 10 years ago.
Win 10 LTSB did cause some gaming related headaches, but I’ve had zero issues with LTSC 2021 to date.
That just makes my day. Maybe even my whole week.
Piss off ye regressive in Democrat clothing.
Fellow Jew here.
Fuck Jerry Seinfeld for being a Zionist piece of crap.
What, no Jason Pargin?