Police dogs should be abolished. They only exist to intimidate people and give police a free pass to violate the rights of people by giving them an excuse to search people that is somehow not considered bullshit despite being as reliable as a dowsing rod.
Sucks that this one died because the police couldn’t even take care of their job pet.
They also exist for propaganda. Every time a cop murders someone reddit blows up with pictures of adorable police dogs in training
Use of police dogs is animal cruelty.
It’s cruelty for the dogs, cruelty for the people cops are harassing with them.
I don’t recall seeing any video of a cop pulling their dog off a suspect quickly after being subdued. They’ll let that dog maul their arms and legs far longer than they need to.
I wasn’t going to go there only because I work awareness of police brutality into just about everything, but I’m glad you did. 🙂
I agree.
Man training dogs to be cops is so damned abusive.
It is my firm belief that ACAB should be updated to AC Except Canines AB
You can train a dog to be a bastard.
As opposed to most cops, dogs can be retrained.
BS. They’re claiming the AC broke AND the internal temp sensor which is independent of the AC, also broke? Give me a break, this is like listening to a child lie their face off to avoid accountability. The cop left his car off, happens all the time. Notice how the PD’s evidence is "just trust me bro" and there’s no actual investigation? Yeah, they’re full of shit.
In Maryland it’s illegal to leave your animal in a parked vehicle, on or off, summer or winter.
This is why.
Class move to name your dog like the villain. I guess a fascist leader isn’t a villain to them.
In my mind, it was just “father”, somehow
Because you are Dutch?
No, that’s the weird part.
I mean, I know the word, but I also know Star Wars. My mind just went to “father”.
TBF Vader is an excellent name for a dog. Its just the cop part thats icky
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