Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr does not meet the legal requirement of a New York resident and therefore cannot be on the state’s election ballot, a judge has ruled.
Kennedy’s claim of a New York address as his “place of residence” on nominating petitions was a “false statement”, said Judge Christina Ryba.
“Given the size and appearance of the spare bedroom as shown in the photographs admitted into evidence, the Court finds Kennedy’s testimony that he may return to that bedroom to reside with his wife, family members, multiple pets, and all of his personal belongings to be highly improbable, if not preposterous,” the judge wrote.
As a result, the petitions were considered invalid. Mr Kennedy has rejected the judge’s ruling and vows to appeal.
Why doesn’t he just claim residence where he actually lives?
That won’t get him on the ballots he wants to siphon votes from, which is the entire purpose of his campaign.
i still don’t get it. it is not like you need to reside in NY to be able to appear in the NY presidential ballot
It’s that he lied on his forms about his residence. These people are fucked up. No idea why he needed to lie about living in NY, but when you fill out these kinds of forms, you’re not allowed to fuck around, rightly.
oh, i understand why he was disqualified. but like you, it doesn’t make any sense as to why he would lie. i guess you can trust a brain worm to fill a form accurately?
it doesn’t make any sense as to why he would lie
It seems that some people just can’t help themselves…
“The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves”
US Constitution Amendment 12
The presidential and vice presidential candidates that the electors vote for cannot be from the same state.
I asked the same question in another thread, answer is “legacy election rules that are silly in today’s context”:
it is not like you need to reside in NY to be able to appear in the NY presidential ballot
No, but you do need to fill in the application forms accurately and honestly.
Would running for president get him on all the ballots?
Nope, most states require either a certain percentage/number of registered voters for a party or a state-wide petition to get onto the ballot. The only 3rd party on all 50 states’ ballot is the Libertarian party. The Green party is a distant 4th place, as they often need to regather signatures and new petitions every 2-4 years.
If a new party was formed for 2028, it might get enough ground in one state, not any to really sway the balance of the Electoral College.
Which ballots are those? You think RFK has any chance of flipping California?? (Or New York for that matter?)
He has absolutely no shot of winning any electoral votes or even a state’s popular vote. RFK is not a serious candidate. He’s a crazy person who happens to have a well known name that others are using to try and spoil an election.
Yes, that’s the point.
If he falsified his permanent residence so that he could side step a (admittedly stupid) rule that state electors votes don’t count if both the president and vice president candidates are from their state, then he falsified his application for nothing, since he has no chance of winning CA in the first place.
We said the same thing about Trump 8 years ago…
His VP is also from California, so California electors can’t choose them.
A President and Vice-President can’t both be from California?
It’s from the 12th amendment. A state elector must vote for at least one candidate from a state other than their own. So electors from Nevada could place both their Presidential and Vice Presidential electoral votes with an all-California ticket but California electors may not. There was talk of Kamala picking Newsom for VP but she’d have to change her residency for that to happen. Everyone would know that would be BS and possibly cost her California’s electoral votes or her candidacy in the second state, so she picked Walz instead (not the only reason but you get the idea). Kennedy got caught pulling a fast one so here we are.
that’s fucking wild. I’d never heard of that aspect of the college
He can’t put anywhere else, because his legal residence is in New York.
But he lives in California.
If you don’t actually reside at your legal residence, it’s invalid. It’s like moving to a new house and not updating your driver’s license. You don’t get to claim that you live at your old house - your license just becomes invalid until you fix it.
Okay I’m not in any way shape or form a fan or advocate for Kennedy, in fact I find him ridiculous in every way conceivable but I’m very confused. Since when does a presidential candidate need to have a residence in the state in order to be on the ballot?
It’s not that he has to have a residence in New York, it’s that the address that he listed as his residence, in New York, on the application for candidacy submitted to New York, isn’t really his residence. The article mentions other states may follow suit with the applications he submitted to them.
Ah yes, now I’m seeing that he actually lives in California. Which why he has chosen to list his residence that he doesn’t actually live at as his permanent residence for his god damned presidential race is fucking beyond me. Just more ridiculous from a completely ridiculous person.
I read somewhere else that it’s because his running mate is also from California, and for some reason you can’t be from the same state as your running mate or something like that?
Maybe we should stop asking people their residence to get on the ballot. Before you know it people will just start writing in “prison”
Haha, Nice one.
He was really gonna split the crazy person vote too…
Here is his acknowledgement and explanation if anyone is interested:
so he doesn’t live in new york, but he got his falcon license there.
Why should anyone care?
You have to be a homeowner in New York to run for president?
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Invalidating 150,000 petitions on a technicality. Corruption at the highest level. Shameful behavior by ClearChoice and the Democrats.
Lying to get around the 12th Amendment in the Constitution is a “technicality”!?
lol look at the username
His legal residence is in New York. If he had put some other address, they would be asking “well, why is he paying taxes and voting in NY?”
He lives in California to be with his wife. His defense is that he is renting a (small) room from a friend in NYC and isn’t even on a lease.
He pays NY taxes because he has a business in NYC. He used his stupid falconry license from NY he had ‘issued’ in NY from since before he moved to California as part of his defense.
Right, so you’ve explained why he lied.
If you actually read the article, you would know that the judge based their decision on photographs of a small extra room that he claimed he could return to at any time with his wife, kids, pets, etc . They ruled that the idea was “preposterous, if not impossible”.
Sounds like he’s been voting illegally in NY for some time now. Taxes probably all fucked up too.
“Oh no the joke of a candidate who has actual brain worms can’t legally be on the ballot. What a tragedy this is.”
If 150,000 people want Vermin Supreme on the ballot, even if it’s just a protest against the corrupt, two-party system run by corporate interests, he should be on the ballot.
Well Vermin Supreme could be on the ballot if that were the case, because he probably wouldn’t try to violate the 12 Amendment.
Do you think that is (and should be) the only requirement to get on a presidential ballot?
You are defending a clown. You’re a joke.
Imagine defending someone breaking a clear as day law with intent to deceive.
"RFK Jr played stupid games and lied about something as stupid as where he lives.
Maybe people should not be doing as much fuckery with addresses, etc that they end up being taken to court.
He knew damn well that this was a shell address at best. So claiming this as your primary residence is asking for trouble.
There are plenty of other reasons he could have gotten I to trouble for this…requesting a liquor license for example… and in these cases he would have also been deemed ineligible.
This turd just cose to test the validity of his claim of residence during the most high stakes most scrutinized process in the US. And got slapped down… shocked pickachu face.