Some of them want to be subservient. I’ve heard some even lament voting before. The Christian brainwashing is pervasive to all parts of life.
Some of them want to be subservient. I’ve heard some even lament voting before. The Christian brainwashing is pervasive to all parts of life.
Especially since the CDC and NIH can’t make public announcements currently unless there is a health emergency, which of course is up for review. Even if the pause is short, there could still be updates to the avian flu or other diseases that they can tell us about and the review process they are implementing could greatly hamper their ability to defend against future pandemics.
Edit: evidently it’s not just a communication freeze for the NIH (National Institutes of Health)
Next year will be when bird flu spreads to humans. It’s my understanding that they found a mutated avian flu virus that was adapting to human respiratory systems in one of the people who died from avian flu. Thankfully it didn’t spread from that person, but I imagine it’s just a matter of time given how the Trump administration handled the last novel virus to affect humans.
I’m pretty sure texas still has conversion camps, I’d be surprised if other states didn’t still have them.
Not to mention the Song of Solomon
That didn’t stop them from deporting people to Mexico in the 30s. A senator at the time estimated that 60% of those who were removed from the country were US Citizens
That was just 3 years after homosexuality was legalized. They were still reacting from Lawrence v TX and prepping for the push for marriage Equality.
Unless you both have a penis. Then they put you in a camp and attach electrodes to your chest and shock you while showing you porn and call it therapy.
There’s an Alamo Drafthouse in Austin that kinda does that with the bathroom.
You walk up to a bay of sinks. To the left is a door to a room with urinals and to the right is a hallway with a bunch of toilets. It’s everybody’s bathroom, there’s not a separate men and women and the stall doors are actual doors that you can’t see through. Since everyone is coming out the same way passed the bay of sinks, everybody will know if you washed your hands or not.
Edit: toilets are to the right, not left
I think the pandemic will definitely have an effect. If I recall correctly, Fox News changed gears and started promoting the vaccine after realizing that their base was dying at a faster rate than Democrats.
It could have been a co tributing factor to Georgia voting for Biden in 2020 and could be a reason why Biden was closer to winning TX than Hillary was.
Florida is hard to say, because a lot of retirees move there. So while the Republicans there may have been hit harder during covid, those may have been replaced with more Republicans moving in to retire in the sun.
Kind if reminds me of the scene in The Truman Show when they talk about the cereal to the hidden camera.
This is the same guy who he insists he won in 2020 and is supposed to be sitting president now. By his logic, he’s running for a third term.
He’s also said that he will become a dictator on day one if he’s elected this year. Why would he run in 2028 if he abolishes elections or makes a loophole to stay in the White House?
Yeah the ticker bags that would last a year or so before the handles fell off were more plastic, but it was at least a step. I saw more people using cloth and other sturdy Reusable bags after a few months.
Yes in 2018, the TX Supreme Court struck down plastic bag bans in Laredo even though the small city was saving something like $250,000/year in waterway cleanup. The other cities, including Austin, that had a plastic bag ban lifted their ban after the court ruling.
It was great under the bag ban, the cities were so much cleaner. Grocery stores all had some thicker Reusable plastic bags that could be bought and would hold up for a long time as long as you didn’t overfill them. They also sold cloth bags, not to mention the people carrying Ikea bags around the stores.
It’s not so much the percentage, but which portion of the population dies. Don’t forget Fox started back tracking on their anti-vaccine and anti-mask stance once they realized that conservatives were dying at a much faster rate.
Don’t forget, insurance covers 50% before the deductible is met, not after. When a policy has that verbiage, usually there’s a footnote that states how those claims are handled in the future. From what I’ve seen, that could mean that insurance will cover 100% of said procedure after the deductible is met or it could mean a co-insurance of 30%.
After the deductible is met, OP won’t necessarily pay 50%. The percentage of the bill that OP and/or insurance will pay will be on a footnote at the bottom of the blue plan overview page (at least it’s blue when looking at plans from the ACA marketplace).
If you’ve met your deductible, you may not owe for the upcoming procedure.
However, you’d need to look at your policy or call the insurance company to see if the procedure counts towards your deductible. Normally the plan specifies that its 50% before the deductible and by an asterisk or buried somewhere in your plan’s terms, it may say that it’ll be 100% covered after tour deductible is met.
Is your deductible and out-of-pocket max the same? If you’ve met both, you may not even owe a copay. If you still haven’t met the out-of-pocket max, you will still owe co-pays.
Your plan documents or the company will be able to give better answers, as companies and plans can be very different in how they cover things.
Hopefully we can get him out of office so that he can face whatever other charges he’s been dodging.
He is bad enough that even the Republicans impeached him!
It’s the death panels they warned us they would implement when arguing against the ACA when Obama was in office.