EDIT: Commentary removed.
I hate the orange fucker but it sounds like he has PTSD. I have combat PTSD and see dangers where there aren’t any. Sometimes your brain just wants you to leave the area.
Yeah, he should retire and have that looked at. Poor guy, he needs some rest. At his age…
Don’t you think he looks a bit tired?
Don’t you think he looks a bit weird?
Why not both?
This is perfect, because it sounds like the toddler that he is.
How does Mrs Crawley know Dr Who? Did Dr Who visit Downton Abbey during one of his adventures?
What do you mean? That’s just Mrs. Crawley with Mr. Crowley, the strange man who is friends with the bookshop owner. Weird seeing him without his sunglasses though.
He was Mr. Crawley until he changed his name.
i wasnt prepared for this.
You know, he just might.
Trump’s policies resulted in thousands of veterans with PTSD being denied treatment by the VA on account of lack of funding. If anyone deserves to suffer from it, he does.
I hate the orange shitbag and have no sympathy if he is suffering. I genuinely want good things for all people. But he wants bad things for many people and so my wishes for good things don’t extend to him, his ilk, etc.
Good. Don’t be blinded by the tolerance of intolerance.
Oppose at all points.
The moral high road is filled with corpses.
Sounds like SS told him that. He said security doesn’t want us here.
Isn’t the accepted abbreviation USSS to avoid the association with the Schutzstaffel?
For now
He’s an old man, I thought it was “Social Security”.
He’s a fascist, I would have believed if he meant Schutzstaffel.
Did someone come up and whisper in his ear? Was he wearing an earpiece? If he knew ahead of time that “security [didn’t] want [him] there,” security wouldn’t have let him be there in the first place.
He may have dined with RFK Jr.
It sounds like he didn’t like the questions being asked and this is his new way of ending an interview.
While I’m not a fan of tfg, and I don’t know whether he’s lying or telling the truth, there’s legitimate reason to take his comment seriously. We may not like him, but the SS has a job to do.
It could be all of the above. It is hard to say with Trump. I agree the SS has a job to do and after their last screw up, they are being overly cautious
Do you think someone suffering from PTSD will be able to fulfill their duties as President?
Active PTSD without treatment? Absolutely not. Maybe with some really good therapy but can you imagine that turnip taking advice from a therapist? Hah!
From 2017 to 2021 the duties seemed to consist of golfing and watching TV. Spending a lot of time on the toilet and needing to give it dozens of flushes.
It’s starting to sound more and more like he does. It would be completely understandable given what happened.
Also I’m sorry for what you went through, and I hope it gets better. My wife is infantry and I hope to God she never has to see combat.
Yeah, but in this case, there was an apparent evolving credible threat on his life and his security detail probably told him to keep the interview brief and then move.
I imagine his (new) secret service detail is a little jumpy after that whole incident in Pennsylvania.
Watch the video in the other link. He was just talking and trying to get out of the conversation.
No it doesn’t. He was calm and collected and posturing.
I have been completely calm on the outside yet freaking out on the inside and made excuses to leave so that really isn’t a tell for PTSD or not. I haven’t watched video of the event and I’m not saying the shitbag wouldn’t use it as an excuse to get out of hard questions, I’m just saying with my personal experiences being shot at that giving excuses to get out of what you think is a dangerous situation (but really isn’t) is a classic sign of PTSD.
Thank you for sharing. I walk away knowing better.
This exactly. It’s the subtle stuff that tells me he’s probably dealing with some high anxiety. If you’ve been through some intense trauma, and are in a triggering environment, you’re probably still trying to keep a game face on.
Those of us who have been shot at usually don’t start flailing around like a car lot tube man when we’re feeling insure. People usually have their game face on when they’re worrying behind the façade.
Watching it, it looks like a stunt / setup to show how “dangerous the border is” or some bullshit. You never know what’s going on in the moldy orange’s brain.
Thank you for linking to the vid!
Sounds like he was just being an asshole and wanting to end the interview which the reported kept extending with questions. Seems like this is non-news.
I think he got upset that she stepped in front of him to block his way before asking her question. He took it as disrespect and made the excuse to leave.
Thanks. What a shitty news article to not even provide the video (yet still include a completely unrelated random video at the top of the page anyway).
You’ll notice that when a news source leaves out the obvious thing, a quote with context, video, picture, whatever, they’re hyping something up that’s not what the headline leads you to believe.
Glad you posted the clip instead of Newsweek’s bond music video.
The only thing the clip really shows is that RFK Jr was meant to be a Biden spoiler. Florida politicians have a history of using this tactic. However, Kennedy was only stealing Trump votes. Now the rapists are joining forces like usual.
Just seemed like he was “done” with the interview and used the introduced topic of assassination/security as a way to force an exit.
I don’t think anything has changed for him.
My take is he just didn’t want to answer anymore questions. Probably not planned in advance, he was just making an excuse to get out of there.
Trump: I look so weak when I run away from interviews. If only there was a way to ditch an interview AND remind people of the assassination attempt.
It’s hilarious that’s his best strategy.
Having your head on a swivel after being shot at is normal. But you know what’s also unfortunately normal? Being shot at in the US.
A normal person would, after being shot at, consider pushing for responsible gun ownership legislation. He could help prevent what happened to him and hundreds of thousands of other Americans.
It’s so much cooler and more presidential to stand in a glass box and talk about how safe guns are for everyone though
“The second amendment people know that the radical left want to take your gu…”
Someone knocks over a chair and makes a loud bang
Kamala should slam her hand down on her podium periodically during their debate just to see if she can trigger the fat fuck into flipping out. It would be amazing seeing him combat dive and roll around on the stage while screaming “WE’RE IN DANGER!”
Someone sneaks in a package of ladyfinger 40/40 fireworks, and sets them off. Trump would hit the deck. They’d get talked to by the FBI. “It was just a prank, bro.”
No just hand out little brown paper bags at the entrance. No need to bring fireworks into it
But you know what’s also unfortunately normal? Being shot at in the US.
Oh, fuck off. Even if it did happen to “hundreds of thousands” of Americans, it wouldn’t be “normal”. The US has 340 MILLION people in it.
But yeah, “hundreds of thousands” is bullshit it’s not even close to one hundred thousand, less than half that actually, about 43k last year: https://healthjournalism.org/blog/2024/02/nearly-43000-people-died-from-gun-violence-in-2023-how-to-tell-the-story/
Something that happens to 1% of 1% of the population isn’t “normal”.
You have to consider the aggregate impact. Tens of thousands a year, over multiple years.
For example, this was an interesting that showed that, in a lifetime, 15% of Americans have witnessed a shooting, 25% have been threatened with a gun, 12% have been shot at, and 4% have been shot.
in a lifetime, 15% of Americans have witnessed a shooting, 25% have been threatened with a gun, 12% have been shot at, and 4% have been shot.
You’re not actually suggesting ‘once in a lifetime’ falls under “normal occurrence”, are you?
This is also a partial goalpost move, since the original sentiment responded to was asserting that “being shot at” was normal, and you’re now citing other things like ‘seeing someone else shoot someone’, obviously an event that’s much more common relatively speaking (but still nowhere near “normal” for the average American).
I’m just saying that a LOT of Americans have and will experience what he just experienced.
My wife and I were shot at by a nut job neighbor with a known record who should not have been allowed to own firearms. That once in a lifetime experience (I hope) was enough for us. No one should ever have to experience that.
1 in 10 being shot at and 1 in 4 being threatened is way too fucking high.
You are completely correct and normalizing gun violence is a way to justify not restricting access.
I’ve always felt like Trump uses “we” more like the “royal we” as in he’s a monarch, whereas other public figures use “we” to include society.
Yeah, also when ever he said ‘‘a lot of people don’t know this’’ he means ‘‘I just learned this a few days ago’’ and ‘‘a lot of people are saying’’ means ‘‘This is just my opinion’’. On the bizarre side of things, ‘‘bigly’’ is actually a real word in the English language and he would be using it grammatically correct most times he says it IF that was what he’s actually saying, but he not, he’s trying to say ‘‘big leauge’’ and is almost always using it incorrectly.
That website has cancer.
I’m old enough to remember when Newsweek was credible and respected. I understand the Magazine business model is brutal, but these days you’re more likely to run into someone who’s owned Newsweek than someone who subscribes to it.
August 3, 2013.
It’s been a while since any formerly credible news source was free of foreign ownership.
All “news” media in the US has been entertainment and propaganda businesses wearing the logo and skin of dead journalism outlets since then.
Only took a few years to get Trump installed as president. I’d say that’s amazingly effective
Didn’t seem any worse to me than most news sites, but maybe you don’t use adblock…?
Look at that scared little face.
Honestly, I’m glad the USSS seems to be taking security more seriously since the assassination attempt no matter who they’re protecting! It won’t always be Trump…
I agree that tightened security across the board is smart. But I’m a little skeptical that the set of a tv show was actually all that dangerous and that he was actually told what he claims.
Yes. It is and has been illegal.
Ahead of Trump’s speech in Arizona, authorities announced that they apprehended 66-year-old Ronald Lee Syvrud. The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office told Fox News that Syvrud is accused of making threatening posts on social media targeting Trump. He was arrested without incident, according to Fox News, and had outstanding warrants in Wisconsin regarding a DUI and from Graham County, Arizona, involving hit-and-run and felony failure to register as a sex offender.
Why am I not surprised.
The clip just seems like he was done talking to the reporter, the reporter had another question (regarding a threat), and he gave an on topic (suprising) smart ass reply to her question in order to end the conversation. I think folks are reading too much into this.
We have a felon running for office who is openly telling his followers to revolt when he loses. We can’t let this ever happen again. We need to put some laws in place to stop a future Trump from happening again
I agree we need to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
But, specifically what law(s) would you enact to stop this from happening and how would it fix it so this can’t happen again?
Paranoia will destroy ya
My slug sense is tingling