Very on script for an addict
Putin is gonna be so pissed at her
So that’s the guy Vance was allegedly fucking?
I honestly can’t keep all the subplots straight on this newest season of Politics. Way too absurd to buy
So if I’m doing the math right… that’s 3 total moons:
Mini moon 1
The second mini moon
Science is fun.
Trump invented crypto?
Ok, but why do I smell hippos??
Democrats are saying things about me that cause republicans to shoot at me!
“Yeah, our quarterback sucks and we haven’t won a game in 3 seasons, but they’re my team and I love them”
That’s it. That’s as deep as it gets with magats.
You cheer your team and you boo your enemies. You don’t need to know why.
Oh damn!
They slammed it?? Fuuuuuuck. 🤯
What, we have to pay for extra security because this guy is bad at math?
Nobody had a faster robot?
[Jadzia Dax intensifies]
AFAIK even gay guys love boobs. I’m pretty sure everyone loves boobs
Maybe a little freedom as a treat?
If you don’t understand socialism, sure.
We really should have made The Jungle required reading
Does she chew with her mouth open?