Trump can have one more felony, as a treat

    2527 months ago

    I’m so glad he pissed off the army before trying to stage his second coup.

    Good luck asshat.

    • Optional
      1007 months ago

      He pissed off the 60% of the army who already knew what a disgusting failure of a human he is.

      617 months ago

      The US military is aggressively non-political. Don’t count on them to do anything as long as the civilian institutions do nothing.

        237 months ago

        That’s not the point. The Military is no longer a tool he could use. Staying neutral unless things get really bad is a good thing. He’s already tried to use the military against protestors. (And the military told him to pound sand)

          47 months ago

          Am I crazy? I distinctly remember a military helicopter hovering quite low over protesters in a city and that very much didn’t feel like them telling trump to ‘pound sand’

          Yeah, not crazy:

          I appreciate the army’s attempts at trying to stay neutral but from my perspective they were already complicit in the trump regime and I have no faith that they would be any different if he gets another shot.

            67 months ago

            You’re not crazy. The thing is there’s a difference between the national guard and the regular army. The national guard is used to control protests all the time by state governors. In D.C. Trump gets to act as that governor. What Trump wanted was a regular army Infantry division with lethal weapons. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs actually got into a shouting match with Trump over the issue.

            When he couldn’t have that toy he tried to tell the National Guard to use live ammo without actually ordering it. He told them to use “all available means” to protect federal property. The National Guard however has trained extensively against using live ammo in protests since May 4, 1970. So they used every non-lethal method they knew, including the down wash of their medevac helicopters. Which the Pentagon later said not to do again as they consider that to be against the regulations for medevac helicopters.

            47 months ago

            Not American, I thought national guard and army are different because the national guard do stuff like security at disaster sites and riots which the army aren’t allowed to?

          97 months ago

          Just means they can be deployed against traitors, not that they have the authority, or consider themselves to have the authority, to make the judgement on who is and is not traitorous.

          Civilian control of the military is a good thing. But it also means that any thought of the military as a safeguard against any tyranny that worms its way in through civilian institutions is… misguided.

            7 months ago

            May seem sad, but in fact good if really works this way.

            Since I’m in Russia and here shit went wrong (EDIT: after the last time shit went right) since Yeltsin using military to “resolve” a constitutional crisis in 1993 (not really a crisis, just when the Supreme Court says both Yeltsin and his opponents in the parliament should resign and have new parliament and presidential elections, that apparently is a crisis, because he’s the president, thus the boss and should be able to make all decisions ; that unironically was the main argument in support of Yeltsin, ex-Soviet people have a very weird idea of law and order, where the boss deciding something is “dura lex sed lex”, while referring to codified laws is “legal illiteracy”).

        67 months ago

        But Trump can’t go a day without showing his ass for attention. Without rose colored glasses dismissing the things he does he will remind them consistently how much he doesn’t care about soldiers.

  • themeatbridge
    1317 months ago

    Honestly, those families of fallen soldiers can go fuck themselves. They dishonor the memory of their children that made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. They don’t get to invite Trump to wipe his ass all over the graves of soldiers. Their children deserve respect, but they deserve scorn.

      7 months ago

      This was my thought as well. Can you really have loved your family member if you sell them cheaply to be used as political fodder? Is that what their memory is worth to you?

      This is the same level of disaffection that you saw from the pa firefighter widow who wouldn’t accept a phone call from Biden.

      487 months ago

      Oh, it’s even worse than that. My understanding is that the families that invited him are specifically families of soldiers who died during the pullout from Afghanistan. Y’know, the pullout that Trump announced out of the blue with zero prep work in the last year of his presidency and dumped on Biden’s lap. They are celebrating the man directly responsible for their kids’ deaths.

        77 months ago

        Democrats desperately need to impose a nationwide public school curriculum if/when they get control. This shit needs to stop, and it’s going to take literal decades to correctly educate the next generation…

        Lately I have started to grasp why nations, in the past, have imposed “re-education” upon their adult citizens… Obviously it can easily be misused, but I feel like it is exactly what this country needs. And it will never happen.

    • ceoofanarchism
      -267 months ago

      Those children made " the ultimate sacrifice " to expand and maintain American imperialism and violence worldwide. Just because we hate trump there is no reason to defend the American empire and its willing enforcers.

      • themeatbridge
        287 months ago

        Ok, I’m not going to debate that with you. I don’t know these kids, their motivations, their missions, or how they lived and died. I’m talking about every body laid to rest in Arlington, and far too many that still lay where they fell, all of the soldiers, living and dead, are deserving of a certain modicum of reapect. They deserve to not be used as props in a campaign photo. Their families deserve to not see their tombstones used as an arm rest in a photo op.

          167 months ago

          I would be horrified if someone asked to visit my parents’ grave for a photo op. I can barely go there without breaking down. My family’s grief is private.

        7 months ago

        Oh yes all those soldiers from, (checks notes), fighting the Nazis and Japanese.

        Yeah them. Horrible people, the absolute worst amiright?

        • ceoofanarchism
          7 months ago

          This incident was with the parents of people in section 60 specifically for people dying post 9-11 “War on terror” soldiers in other words. Stop obfuscating.

            • ceoofanarchism
              57 months ago

              Oh you are an Iraq war defender I’m not going to bother getting into an argument with you it’s not worth it to argue with someone literally defending the Iraq war as bringing “Democracy” to Iraq with all the current information freely available about the true motives and the lists of war crimes.

                17 months ago

                Hey you’re talking about the soldiers. The guys who actually went over there. If you want to talk about Bush then talk about Bush. And the “list of war crimes” is just that, a list with a fraction of the people who served in Iraq.

                And yeah I’m going to talk about bringing democracy back to Iraq. Because that’s exactly what happened. Are you going to try and tell us they weren’t the first free and fair elections since Saddam seized power?

                  -37 months ago

                  Let me guess, you were there and killed a bunch of people, and this is what you have to tell yourself in order to make it day to day.

                  That sucks. But if you’re going to post publicly defending the Iraq War, then you better be ready for criticism.

          37 months ago

          Afghanistan may be among the most humanitarian deployments the US military has done. The infant mortality rate fell significantly while the US was there, and women had the freedom to go to school and participate in the economy without violent oppression.

          Our mistake in Afghanistan was that we didn’t build a lasting change. We gave arms to the wrong people. We should’ve been training and arming the women to fight back and protect their democracy. Not men who were going to be fine either way.

          • You have no Idea how much I agree with that statement.

            I am from Switzerland, where everyone has to serve. I always thought that this was a stabilizing factor in our country, since the military power in the country is also the democratic power in the country.

            So I never understood why they wouldn’t arm the very people who are most likely to be suppressed and instead arm the people who are likely to do the suppressing.

            Women would have been inspired for the cause, they would have been willing and motivated. The men apparently weren’t.

    777 months ago

    Everyone posting quotes from the trump side, so here’s what the Army said:

    “This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve,” the statement said.

    So the Army sided with the people at the cemetery, and tge following paragraphs indicate the Pentagon does as well.

      7 months ago

      Barely… They don’t even condemn the people who did it. They say it was “unfortunate.” Give me a fucking break.

      Imagine if this was a Democrat.

        137 months ago

        The US military is very apolitical. They don’t get involved with campaigns or politics. I think it may actually be illegal for an active serviceman to make statements with any political leanings. Certainly in uniform I think.

        So for them to say this much is actually a big deal.

        • Agreed. It even says in the article that the army stays out of politics and such a statement was a very rare occurrence. So we can infer the fact that they made a statement at all carries quite a bit of weight.

            17 months ago

            Actually, surprisingly not badly. US generals like Milley took precautions to prevent Trump from doing even more disastrous things. Military leadership is generally respectable.

    777 months ago

    I’m just exhausted at this point. Nothing he does phases me anymore. Just gotta say my piece at the ballot box and hope for the best

      447 months ago

      I’m actually impressed a former president currently running for reelection managed to fuck up pandering to the military so bad the Army called him out for it.

    • socsa
      237 months ago

      Normalization of this shit is how the fascists get a foothold. In this very story we see that the victim is not pressing charges because she is afraid of MAGAfash. The absolute minimum thing you can do is stay angry. Enjoy passive opposition while it is still an option.

        07 months ago

        the victim is not pressing charges because she is afraid of MAGAfash

        Does she say this or are we making it up?

        Seems like she’s not making a big deal out of it because she’s in the army and someone shoving her a bit while rude isn’t a big issue in her day?

      37 months ago

      Yeah I’m so fucking tired of watching him break federal law out in the open with zero consequences over and over and over and over

    657 months ago

    “For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed [sic] grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country,” LaCivita continued.

    Wow. Just a fucking gross response. Every chance they get they try to insult the person who was doing their job.

    “We had given our approval for President Trump’s official videographer and photographer to attend the event, ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured and so we can cherish these memories forever,” the families said.

    His idiot followers would think their invitation bests federal laws.

    A different article said that the reason the beleaguered employee wasn’t pressing charges was fear of harassment by his sycophants. His toadies make life hell for descent people, thus shielding him from repercussions. It’s time to put this man out of the spotlight so the wheels of justice can run him over.

      257 months ago

      It’s sobering to think about how far US politics has fallen since I’ve had the power to vote. There was a time that I can still remember, where something like this would do more than kill a campaign. Republicans would be condemning their own candidate, and the candidate’s PR team would be working overtime putting out, “we apologize for the misunderstanding and meant no disrespect to the fallen soldiers” statements to try to quell the backlash.

      Nowadays? Nope. They double and triple down, and their base loves it. I hate this so much.

        87 months ago

        I cast my first vote in 1990. It was the first and last time I ever voted for a Republican. Please forgive me. I was eighteen and raised under Reagan. I didn’t yet know better.

        Anywho, I concur with your assessment. We’ve fallen so very far.

      • ...m...
        137 months ago

        …no, staff must descend into the hollowed grounds…

        97 months ago

        I dunno have you seen the movie The Descent? I could see the cave dwellers in that movie being cousins to the MAGA crowd. Great low budget horror flick btw. Skip the sequel.

        • No, but I’ve watched Disneys Descendants. A bunch of villain’s kids get to go to school after being cut off from society all their lives due to their parents choices. The kids come in to school dedicated to evil, but the more they learn & get to know people, the more they all decide to be good people.

          I have no idea how that relates to anything in the real world in the past however many years.

        37 months ago

        Yep, you’re right. I caught it when re-reading my post to contextualize a reply, though it’s been too late to edit without being dishonest. I hold myself highly accountable for mistakes and that’s one of them. Thanks for pointing it out.

        I also like the Oxford Comma and a proper ellipses…

          27 months ago

          It was more of an emotion than pointing something out, I hated autocomplete too when it was a new thing and would suggest nonsense half of the time. =\

      • Optional
        317 months ago

        I wish I could believe that.

        It’s a cult though.

          7 months ago

          It turns out that the police will absolutely rise up but the military is all about protecting and following the chain of command. I used to think as you do but I’ve since seen so many times when they have expelled the crazies. There’s no union protecting bad soldiers from consequences.

          • atocci
            197 months ago

            I’m pretty sure they’re saying his followers are a cult, not the Army. His followers will easily take the word of him and his campaign over the Army and Arlington National Cemetery.

              -47 months ago

              I’ve reread the comment a few times and still think that they were talking about the army. I do see what you mean though.

          • socsa
            17 months ago

            Well, at least the brass at Joint Base Henderson Hall, one of the cushiest appointments in the service, located in one of the bluest zip codes in the US.

          7 months ago

          You say that yet everyone except the “base” is fleeing. Trump is limited to down ballot voters and whackadoos.

            77 months ago

            Audio leaked of him admitting he sexual assaults women because he feels he’s entitled to, and he won the presidency. The “look” of anything Trump does is irrelevant.

            The one true thing he has ever said was that he could shoot someone on fifth ave and not lose any support.

            • I disagree.

              There’s certainly a lot of people that will just vote for Trump no matter what, but this election will be won or lost on the hapless fools who are still bobbling around in the middle easily distracted by phrases and headlines.

              The “look” of anything Trump does is irrelevant.

              It’s true that his loyal fans are blind to his egregious flaws, but this statement is nevertheless hyperbole. If it were true he wouldn’t need to bother campaigning.

                17 months ago

                Campaigning in the USA is all pageantry. He’s doing it for his own ego. Anyone who hasn’t made up their mind about Trump in the last eight years isn’t going to be swayed by this picture. It’s like the hundredth least worst thing he’s done.

                • Whoever hasn’t made up their mind about Trump in the last eight years is precisely the type of idiot who will be swayed by these types of things in the weeks and months before the election.

                  This isn’t going to be the foundation for a landslide against Trump. My point is, it’s not good for him.

  • “For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed [sic] grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country,” LaCivita continued.

    This is vile.

    427 months ago

    The US Army published a measured response to the implicated poor behavior of an on duty servicewoman at ANC.

    The Army would very much object to this being categorized as “against” Trump. Rather in defense of their service members and their correct actions.

    The Army is careful not to overextend itself on political rhetoric and invite too much politics directly.

      47 months ago

      Yeah for them to say this much is a big deal considering they like to stay out of this stuff. It’s pretty much a harsh repudiation coming from them.

  • Ech
    337 months ago

    Lol. Dude most likely to attempt a coup in the US just pissed off the armed forces. You love to see it.

      7 months ago

      Good point. However, why would it have taken this long? This man has been nothing but insulting toward our military.

  • Optional
    177 months ago

    Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung

    This fuckin’ guy. Keep digging up Steve.

      137 months ago

      I know it’s his job to spin negatives into positives and attack Trumps opponents, but he just comes off as a particularly nasty internet troll every time he opens his mouth. Goebbels by way of 4chan.

    117 months ago

    Where can I read in full what the army said? I couldn’t find anything in their official press releases