I mean at least you’re leaning into the conservative conspiracy hole instead of pretending you’re not in it, so bonus points for honesty.
I’ve also never accused random posters of being Russian trolls/bots, so fewer points for that.
I mean at least you’re leaning into the conservative conspiracy hole instead of pretending you’re not in it, so bonus points for honesty.
I’ve also never accused random posters of being Russian trolls/bots, so fewer points for that.
So you’ll go to your grave believing it because all the proof in the world will just be fake news
She was perfectly coherent in the 60 minutes interview.
No no, liberals bad. Take your logic out of here
We got pills for that now
May as well use it until that happens, with a pre decided on backup plan so everyone knows where to meet up again when it does
Been the Republicans game for as long as I can remember.
“The government sucks, it’s too big, and it’s broken. Elect me so I can break it more to prove I was right”
I’m glad to see fellow Christorians out here.
Yep fixed, fat thumbs on a tiny phone screen
You have to remember that musk literally, unironically, thinks we’re npcs. He actually genuinely does not think that the masses of poor people are actually people.
So no, he won’t fucking care.
Nazis can absolutely be fixed. It’s happened countless times to small time nazis.
The question is whether it’s worth the time and effort to want individual, and to most it isn’t.
capitalist drones workday
Can’t help but feel like this is derogatory towards people just trying to survive
Not even two weeks! Fascism speed run!
Thank God Gaza is safe now th- oops.
This is exactly the fucking problem, if it’s not perfect enough then people allow it to get worse instead.
Not to sound like I’m defending them but are you sure it wasn’t just workplace gossip tier stuff?
Absolutely nobody can accuse the right of being smart
How were they proto nazi? That’s a first.
This is great, but he still tanked the UK economy to make his fortune, didn’t he?
Congratulations on helping fascism win, you are equally culpable for everything that happens for the next 4 years as Biden was in Gaza. And I hope you lose just as much sleep over it.
“This thing I don’t understand is a government psyop and I will refuse to believe any evidence to the contrary”
That’s literally Maga 101 you can’t be surprised I called a spade a spade. Plus I just happe to know you’re already conservative from your other posts so it’s just more evidence to back it up.