For-profit healthcare makes this outcome inevitable.
Problem is, it was also really shitty care when it was government run, because they always ran under a shoestring budget.
Chain of Psychiatric Hospitals
Stop the planet I want off
It’s a new franchise.
Not all that new. About 20 years old in fact.
This whole article is horrific. (And wasn’t paywalled to me)
It goes beyond trapping patients. We’re talking things like beating children and multiple rapes.
The NYT operates on a limited-article basis, making it so you have maybe three articles a month before getting the boot.
If you ever need to bypass this, there’s an extension for Firefox, and additionally, there’s or one of its sister sites like and (they all feed into and read from the same underlying database).
I used to work for a nonprofit psych hospital in a city where there’s also an Acadia hospital. We hired a ton of their staff who started working there well-intentioned but quickly fled after they witnessed how it was run. Patients would tell us horror stories and tell us how grateful they were they didn’t end up there. We’d see patients who discharged from there just a few days prior who were still psychotic as fuck, and we’d treat them ethically and they’d actually get better. They’d leave the Acadia hospital with basically no discharge plan, a lot of times their families weren’t even told where they’d been released to or that they’d been released at all.
Reminds me of how there were stories when I lived in L.A. of ERs dumping grandparents with dementia on skid row. People finding out their grandma was wandering around amongst the junkies in a hospital gown and one slipper.
I spent a few years repairing medical equipment in halfway homes, psychiatric institutions, and nursing homes. All for low income people. I am definitely going to die before I ever end up in one of those shitholes. Literal hell on earth all of them. People screaming pointlessly for attention or pain relief into hallways populated only with jaded and underpaid Nigerian woman who can barely keep up because they are so understaffed.
I encourage others to seek treatment for mental health issues if ever necessary, and I’ve heard a few success stories of people who got the help they needed from a psychiatric inpatient stay. But I’ll be honest, shit like this really worries me.
I’ve been living with depression for many years now. It terrifies me to imagine what a full-blown crisis would be like – not just because of what I might do, but also because of what the health care system might do to me.
My question is what’s gonna happen to them now their theft and kidnapping has been outed?
Probably nothing, or next to it anyway. Because capitalism is never wrong. 🙄
Nobody wants to promote 988 in this thread? Smdh