If you can’t Google, you probably can’t use the software either.
If you can’t Google, you probably can’t use the software either.
Ok? And?
Look at his post history and you’ll know why.
Switched last year. If you’d rather write a page of text whining instead of leaning how to use Google, let alone anything harder… Just use Windows. Nobody cares, especially in this tiny community. You’ve already nailed the problem and nobody wants to interest the time trying to make you barely competent at life, let alone be some stupid free Linux coach.
You could solve any of these problems in like 30 seconds of googling it. But here you are instead.
I spent a few years repairing medical equipment in halfway homes, psychiatric institutions, and nursing homes. All for low income people. I am definitely going to die before I ever end up in one of those shitholes. Literal hell on earth all of them. People screaming pointlessly for attention or pain relief into hallways populated only with jaded and underpaid Nigerian woman who can barely keep up because they are so understaffed.
That ethnically cleansing a native population and throwing parties outside of their concentration camp doesn’t always end great?
Why does it have to be different from that and how does that have anything to do with what I said?
And they aren’t even just murdering State actors. They are murdering journalists left and right from wherever. Just like aid workers and people trying to feed the Palestinians that they are starving to death on purpose.
That’s fair. People have to pick their own targets. If I ever encounter people that served in the IDF currently in the future I’ll definitely think of them as targets.
I’m with the prosecutors. This seems like some rookie journalist is just parroting the stories he’s told by a criminal before trial without providing any evidence. He could have at least talked to some scholars or lawyers or get somebody to agree but it’s really just a story that seems to be made up.
It is no different than Republicans in Congress making symbolic votes when they know that a bill will pass without their support. I could not care less about what stuff she says in a concurring opinion. It will be newsworthy when she actually rules separately from the rest of the heritage foundation appointees.
Yeah it says that he “revealed himself as a celebrity” when he isn’t one. Sounds like he was drug seeking. You see that a lott honestly. People trying to get drugs for bullshit reasons and then calling you racist if you don’t give them to them. And now there’s no further discussion of whatever medical emergency he had? lol The guy was ranting about being part of a 70-year-old doo-wop group and calling himself a celebrity and I don’t blame anybody for thinking he was crazy.
How do you think the subject of him being part of a singing group even came into the discussion when he was there for chest pain? And what happened with his medical emergency?
I mean claiming he was a celebrity pretty much did prove he was mentally ill because he’s not one though?
Good Lord, I think there’s a higher percentage of spambots on Lemmy than on Reddit now.
Right? Couldn’t somebody just post “I’m Michael Anderson’s cousin and he’s full of shit” and that would balance out the original post since they are both just made up?
Certainly my opinion doesn’t change the value of it. you can spend all the money you want on plastic garbage. Or by Taylor Swift records. Or buy a Tesla cyber truck.
Opinions are subjective, but you are factually purchasing pennies worth of plastic for hundreds of dollars because of some kind of nostalgic brainwashing or just general silliness.
Agree on the bag. Disagree on the currency. If Legos were used as currency then it would be totally logical if still completely stupid. Even then, there’s human labor involved in making a quality bag, but every Lego brick is exactly the same and made by a machine out of a penny’s worth of plastic.
Are you comparing mass-produced plastic machine made pieces to art? I will absolutely agree that you can make art with them, but at the end of the day we’re talking about plastic trash injected into a mold. If you want to get me to somehow defend a company that sell s plastic waste for a massive premium, it just isn’t going to happen.
Maybe but if you can’t use Google you won’t be able to use them either.