Imagine getting free surgery of any kind in the U.S. That’s how you know this is a false claim.
Somehow you get socialized medicine if you want gender reassignment surgery and you’re a child.
Sound logic. Actually the most penetrable, I think, for these dolts.
You can get all the free surgery you want in the US. You just have to join the military.
And then wait until you have lived with it most your life
Damn and to think there’s all these lazy trans people saying it’s too expensive to afford surgery when they didn’t just get their free one at school. Slackers honestly.
Stay in school, (trans) kids!
Shit. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get that surgery? When I got it, insurance didn’t cover it. I had to fly to Thailand to afford it. Even with going overseas it was still about $18k USD including flights and everything. And that was in 2013 dollars. I worked my ass off to afford that. And that’s to say nothing of the endless psych evals, therapist letters, and myriad other hoops you have to jump through. It is NOT something you can just stumble into, even if you had an unlimited budget behind you.
And I’ll tell you, I was pretty young looking for my age. A bit into transition I was once walking down the street in the middle of the day on a weekday, and I literally had a cop stop me, thinking I was a high school student playing hookie from school. Meanwhile I was 24, having recently finished a masters degree.
My point is…if you could just walk into a high school and get surgery covered like that, and done no questions asked? I would have legitimately become one of those weirdos who fakes being a teenager and enrolls in a high school in their twenties. I probably could have pulled it off. I would have claimed to be a homeless kid, enrolled in a local high school, got the surgery, and then disappeared again. Compared to what I did go through to get it, that would be child’s play.
Of course, idiots like Trump don’t even realize how involved that surgery is. This is not some outpatient procedure you do in the morning and are up on your feet in the afternoon. Plan a month off of work. That’s what it realistically involves. Then imagine paying for it and finding a way to arrange such an extended absence from the very job that allows you to afford it, all while also paying your regular bills and keeping a roof over your head.
For those who need it, gender reassignment surgery is literally life-saving. I can say that from personal experience. But to see ignorant fools like Trump make light of a thing that you had to work so hard to get?..I do not have the words to express it.
I was once walking down the street in the middle of the day on a weekday, and I literally had a cop stop me, thinking I was a high school student playing hookie from school.
Wait what? Is it the police’s job to make sure kids go to school in the US? What if they’re from a family that can’t even afford public school tuition? That’s so foreign to me. Cutting class should be frowned upon but not to the point of being harassed by police.
An example of the law in Texas:
There is no tuition at public schools. (K-12, ages 5-18 approximately.) There are private schools that some choose to enroll their kids in; often these are religious in nature. And these private schools do charge tuition. But children of a certain age are legally required to attend school of some form:
Most states do allow home schooling with various degrees of requirements therein. But yes, school attendance is required. If a 14 year old is just wandering down the sidewalk at a time they should be in school, they absolutely can be stopped by the police.
I genuinely believed (some number of) people would homeschool because regular school is too expensive. Interesting. American schools being free by default is really unexpected, especially given how expensive tertiary education is over there, and especially with the volume of complaints I hear about American school education being low quality. The free drinking water at restaurants thing is also unexpected to me.
It’s just weird that police have that responsibility there. I don’t get it. Getting questioned over being outside? I get that. Getting stopped? Weird.
In my part of the world (Lebanon) homeschooling isn’t really a thing. Public schools are seen as the cheaper, worse alternative, with many students who were kicked out of private schools continuing their education there. Teachers there get paid dirt and the buildings are often crumbling. Very few have a noteworthy reputation.
Most schools are private, not all that expensive, and usually religiously affiliated. That’s the default option. Then you have a very small number of expensive private schools mostly full of more affluent people.
The curriculum was last updated in like 1992 though which isn’t good lol
Who is doing the operations, Don? The school nurse with the cafeteria staff handing them scalpels and shit?? Band teacher anesthesiologist. OK I’m done.
That’s quite a step up from school nurse when I was a kid. You’d come in there bleeding to death and she’d give you a Tylenol and send you back to class.
Wow, that’s quite a step up from school nurses here. We can’t even give kids any medication that wasn’t provided, with a prescription, by the parents.
Tylenol? Nope. You get a bag of ice wrapped in a paper towel, a large bathroom to vomit in, a thermometer, and a napping table with a privacy curtain that almost reaches all the way around it.
The 80s was a different time.
Canr forget the ziplock full of ice cubes
Shit, tons of districts aren’t even fully staffed with school nurses anymore. They often only have a few nurses that rotate between schools, so any given school only has a nurse on site one or two days a week. It’s actually a huge problem because there’s nobody available to dispense prescription meds for kids that need them, so either the teachers (who aren’t trained or equipped for this) have to help out or the kids have to self-medicate.
It’s just such an obvious and outrageous lie. If you believe that, you’ll believe anything.
Also, if it was happening, wouldn’t the parents be the ones complaining? I mean, wouldn’t the parents be famous right now? They’d be on all the talk shows making the news circuit.
If this actually happened, the parents’ names would be famous. Trump would be parading these people around.
Also what benefits should the underfunded school system have for giving out expensive surgeries for free? What do they stand to gain from that?
The schools get newly indoctrinated woke soldiers. /s
One of my daughter’s best friends is trans. I told my daughter that maybe he’ll get lucky and the school nurse will construct a penis for him.
It’s a joke. The concept that the school nurse would give him bottom surgery is ludicrous.
(Are people thinking that her friend is a trans GIRL? Because he’s a boy who was AFAB.)
Even if that claim is remotely close to true. Why? What on earth would the purpose for a gender transition conspiracy possibly serve?
You have to do more backflips than simone biles to match the mental gymnastics for that kind of thinking.
Trump’s most successful political method was that he changed lanes faster than anyone could keep up. It allowed him to control the narrative. You’re falling for the same tricks that won him the 2016 election. Don’t engage.
Just call them weird and move on.
“Sure is weird someone is thinking about school children’s genitalia instead of their choice of weapons for a school shooting, especially at a time like this.” Done.
His base believes in doing things just for the cruelty. So these ridiculous claims, (gangs taking over apartments, immigrants eating cats, forced transitions) are believable to them based on their own support for doing things just to be cruel.
According to my biology teacher, its to lower the birth rate
They want to force people to be hetero, Christian, and either white male and upper class, or anything else and subservient.
So for them, other groups forcing/ brainwashing people to be gay/trans, atheist and so on makes perfect sense.
What on earth would the purpose for a gender transition conspiracy possibly serve?
fascism, it’s always fascism, it’s literally just fascism.
Because evil. No seriously. And yeah that’s the difference between plausible and implausible conspiracy theories. Plausible ones have motivation. “Why did Donald trump snd the right wing media attempt to overturn the 2020 election?” For power. “Why did the CIA experiment with lsd to control minds?” They were really high and worried that the communists were better at controlling agents than them. “Why do world governments hide proof of alien contact?” There is no clear answer. “Why do world governments work together to hide proof of a flat earth?” To keep the population in the dark.
Credit where credits due, he took that from Orbán(hungarian pm). Orbán started saying this exact same thing like 5 years ago. Now it progressed so far that even kindergartaners are being converted with “gender conversion surgeries”. People unironically believe this bullshit. They say it so much that “nemátalakító műtét” became kind of a meme. Prepare america, if you fuck up this election its over.
I went to the school nurse with a 103 fever and the nurse told me to lay down and offered me an ice pack. MFs can’t even give you Tylenol. You think they’re arranging free surgery? The only other tool they have is bandaids
They don’t even have bandaids most of the time because “somebody” cut funding to the bone.
Even worse…they have the cheap plastic ones that don’t flex or stick.
In any sane world, this level of blatant lying would immediately disqualify one from being electable in a democracy
This alone proves to me that this isn’t about political ideals but rather who holds power. As a result, lies told to further the cause of “power” are simply a means to an end. It’s reprehensible.
Oh wow, so now schools not only do a gender reassignment surgery during recess, but it is forcing children too?
I mean at this point, I’m seriously wondering who are the people that believe this? The lies are gettting ridiculous at this point.
I have relatives with master’s degrees that work in education that you can not convince that cat litter bathrooms are not a thing.
The “best” part of that is that yes, some schools keep cat litter in classrooms, but the reason is so if there’s a school shooter, they don’t have to risk walking to the bathroom.
I need a source for that, too.
What are cat litter bathrooms?
‘Woke’ schools adding litter boxes in bathrooms for furries.
Oh lol, I haven’t even heard about that.
The same people that believed schools were putting litter boxes in the bathrooms for students to use.
Not the best or the brightest.
Penis inspection day is now penis removal day.
Coaches are making some cuts to the foosball roster
Its ridiculous, my British uncle is convinced Critical Race Theory is tour is in school. I asked him what critical race theory is and he didn’t know. People are being lied to and then they tie it to ego and become talking heads for shit they have no idea of beyond surface level.
I asked him what critical race theory is and he didn’t know.
Same thing happens when you ask someone complaining about “the woke” what that word actually means. Blank stare and no coherent answer.
People are being lied to and then they tie it to
egopreexisting prejudicesWhether it’s racism, sexism, transphobia…it’s lies that are easy to believe because it feels true.
sigh I wish my rights and existence weren’t treated like this. Like I’m sure I can think of something pithy or brave or whatever but I’m just so damn tired of this shit
Oh I have one. I sure wish they’d started when I was in school. I had to do the hard work of actually admitting I wanted it to myself and others.
I mean he’s not wrong… i got reassigned and got surgery multiple times in recess Tuesdays before math… thankfully it was a pair number of times so I stayed the same gender after school
I didn’t because I got a cootie shot. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds, it involved a circle, circle, dot, dot.
Oh I remember we had a big bag of rainbow cookies one time and they made you gay, and the only gay guy in school was eatting them but they were apparently really good so we figured out if you just ate an even number you’d end up back straight again.
Twas a simpler time.
They are the ones trying to force people to be someone they don’t want to be.
Teachers can barely force teens to do their schoolwork, how on earth are they supposed to force them into a “gender transition op”?