Sell them to El Salvador
Sell them to El Salvador
Like AWS? So long Bezos.
Lol aren’t there supposed to be some form of separations… What a complete basket case this whole administration is
Thanks! I have nothing brand new as I am le poor :)
Oh please do tell more
It’s news folks, don’t Downvote the poster because the title is the same as the article.
It is more than what I did…
Well they don’t vote and are not the unborn so… No problem!
Illegal? What did I miss?
This is like Nike firing Michael Jordan. ABC is getting rid of a well recognised brand
It’s aboot time eh?
That is ridiculous isn’t it? It’s saying people can’t join a private club.
Hmm in only there was a culture of getting organised as an union.
Maybe the people in the US will find some strength of conviction in this mess
So Lemmy will have more this year
I would add an i between the d and o.
Then I would sell arms as is protected under the 2nd amendment to everyone in America.
Hahaha I don’t eat breakfast cause I am a poor pleb.
And they wonder why they are becoming commodities
I’m sure AWS and Azure would like a word
Or Biden releases it as a matter of national security? Dems have no balls.
Now, when you get there, they gonna take away your name, give you a number and a sledgehammer, and say, “Get to work!” One word of sass, they cut out your tongue. And they good at it, too. You won’t bleed out. Oh, they does that real good! They gonna work ya all day, every day 'till your back give out. Then, they’re gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the nggr hole.