He should be sued for slander
He should be imprisoned for terrorism.
Amen to that. Where the hell is homeland security when shits like this (Drumpf & Fox) are spreading lies & slander that bring agitated unrest & death?
If he was a normal ass person he already would have been with all the Jan 6er scum
problem is you could never prove beyond all reasonable doubt he didn’t believe it himself
That’s because he really does believe it. If you listen to him say he heard it on TV it is the most genuine statement he has ever made. It’s like a child telling you exactly what they saw on TV.
If you’re looking for someone to sue it would have to be the “sources” Trump heard the information from. Unfortunately I’m confident those people understand the ruse. They know to say allegedly. They know how to utilize weasel words.
Oh man. “I saw it on TV!”. Exact same intonation my 4yo used when he saw a “trailer” for Mario Movie 2 when actually it was just some junk a highschool kid threw together in iMovie. Totally belief and innocent ignorance.
It’s at that moment I realized that Trump isn’t just a useful idiot. He’s the perfect useful idiot.
Like a part of me thinks that Trump might actually believe in Santa and that he looks an awful lot like that guy in the power tool show and sounds an awful lot like Buzz Lightyear.
He’s the Star Trek Mirror Universe version of Chauncy Gardener.
The “sources” is Vance the previous day in a rally.
Of course. He saw Vance say it on TV so it must be true.
problem is you could never prove beyond all reasonable doubt he didn’t believe it himself
Sounds like a candidate for a proper psych evaluation, then.
His niece, Mary Trump, knows him well and is a licensed clinical psychologist. She’s spoken and written extensively on his mental disorders (normally a psychologist won’t do that publicly, but she’s said he’s such a danger to the nation, she feels she has no choice).
She’s well worth reading and listening to.
And she’s not the only person in his family tree that is speaking out against the orange menace.
He has the best brain. The greatest brain. One time, for some unknown reason, he took a cognitive test meant for dementia patients. He supposedly passed but he claimed it was hard for him. Such a stable genius.
TV.The amazing thing about that idiocy mostly flew under the radar at the time:
According to neurologists, in the test he was bragging about (aside from being extremely easy because it’s meant to screen for dementia), those would not have been the words.
The point of the 5 words portion is that the words are never related, because that would defeat the purpose of the memory test. They’re always carefully selected unrelated words, like daisy clock giraffe piano door.
He very obviously did not remember the words and was just naming things he could literally see at the time.
He very obviously did not remember the words and was just naming things he could literally see at the time.
aNOthEr aTtAcK oN oUR rIGHtful LEaDer bY thE wOkE mOb
In legal speak the term is “knew or should have known”
is that actually the bar for slander? interesting
It’s just the phrasing that lawyers always use because it’s difficult to prove that someone actually knew something. So even if the person denies they knew it wasn’t one hundred percent true you can still make the argument that they should have known it wasn’t true. Although, you cant always be sued for defamation about a group of people. It depends on the laws in that state
“Very good people” indeed, ya orange turd.
I wish more of them would try to build bombs and find out it’s not so easy. ☠️
Please don’t wish that it’s not really that hard.
How would you know?
I feel anyone with a hard science background could make a device, which is part of the rationale of ethics and philosophy being in the curriculum. We do so much how we forget to discuss “should.”
Those people don’t have “education” ;)
It only takes about a tenth grade level of understanding physics and chemistry to make a decent device from scratch. With the access Americans have to over the counter explosives (tannerite) and arduinos you only need enough of an education to know how to copy and paste code. Relying on people being uneducated isn’t a good strategy because these things are extremely easy to make. I work with some people that I question whether or not they can read who build effective devices with little to no effort.
Exactly. Hitting 10th grade in American schools is only having basic knowledge. So therefore, they have no idea.
How would you know?
What makes you think it’s difficult? There are entire telegram channels dedicated to teaching future, wannabe terrorists, you can find them yourself if you want.
It’s been a threat for several decades and has only gotten easier and more sophisticated rather than more difficult.
A threat that rarely results in a bomb though.
And when it does, what happens?
Hopefully it goes wrong and they blow themselves up.
A reasonably safe, fairly effective pipe bomb is easy to make with the some basic theory and high school chemistry knowledge. A moderately safe, highly effective pipe bomb requires only slightly more knowledge and a deeper understanding of high school chemistry. This stuff was easy enough that people were using it over half a thousand years ago to good effect. If you can’t figure it out now with a couple weeks effort and the breadth of knowledge at our disposal, that’s on you.
I’m glad our Government is Dealing with these Domestic Terrorist Threats so Seriously to ensure no Schools or Children are DESTROYED by these Right Wing Terrorists!
TBH it’s odd that MAGA has not been classified as a terrorist group at this point.
It’s too big. It’s like how Christianity is not classified as a cult.
That’s a very valid point.
Those who burn crosses…
Pretty sure you & I classify them as terrorists.
I’m with you. It’s well past time homeland security et al. recognize & treat them as such
How can you possibly think you are on the right side of things as you call in a bomb threat on a school?
I just don’t understand how these people can think their tactics are morally justified.
They don’t think that. They don’t have morals.
or thinks
“innocent people are having their pets eaten! I’m going to help by threatening to bomb the innocent people!”
Yeah, people make up bs, other people spread it, old guy embarrasses himself saying it on tv, bomb threats. I have to be missing a step here.
I think the step you’re missing is 4chan
Domestic terrorists
Honestly if you’re going to be a terrorist why is no one bombing MaraLago. Seems like it’d be more productive
Because the magas are the terrorists and they worship the Orange baby?
True. I guess we’d say “reasonable person getting rid of Nazis”
Wouldn’t it be great if people in US reject this divisive asshole and were no longer agitated by random bs they here from people on tv?
Unfortunately, it’s really down to the residents of like 7 states. Residents of the other 43, functionally don’t have a vote.
L A W. A N D. O R D E R.
This could be our future - VOTE.
Trump is nothing, he was never the problem. These cunts are.
It’s kind of like saying the lit fuse isn’t the problem, it’s the dynamite.
The dynamite is metallic and he is a dynamite magnet.
Lock the orange shit stain up!!!
They are eating the pets of the people who live there!
Let’s terrorize the people who live there!
I’m guessing 4chan is to blame for this one.
What a bunch of shitty people