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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • “Here is your big mac meal”

    “but I ordered a McChicken sandwich”

    “don’t worry, our AI suggested swapping your order because it predicted you actually prefer chicken based on your order history which it got from facial recognition when you walked in so we started preparing it before you ordered which also meant we’d get your order out 9.4 second faster! Isn’t it so clever, eh?”

    “what about my drink, I didn’t order diet coke?”

    “we gave you diet because our AI indicated that you probably have diabetes based on body weight analysis and McDonald’s is committed to healthy eating as well as maximising profits”

    “I want to talk to the manager.”

    “the manager was replaced by AI last month, corporate felt on site managers were one of the biggest expenditures for the branches and felt AI can offer more value. I’m sure the AI will be able to help you at that terminal over there. If not, we can escalate to the corporate AI which is authorised to offer 1% off coupons and has a slight antisemitism problem…”

    “the terminal over there? The one with the queue 30 minutes long?”

    “yep, that’s the one. Have a great day!! Oh it looks like our conversation took longer than the time we saved. Oh well, isn’t AI though”

  • I am ashamed that I used to be a somewhat vocal advocate of Musk and Tesla.

    I remember saying how great it was that Tesla released a bunch of patents to further humanity. I remember telling people I thought his nervous rambling presentation style showed he was a down to earth guy forced into the limelight who just wanted to bring his progressive vision to the world. I remember praising the aesthetics of the model s and really wanting one. I remember cheering on Tesla as the underdog taking on the established automotive giants through direct sales and installing their own charging networks etc. I remember retelling the story of a model-s breaking the safety test equipment with glee and wanting what I thought was the safest car on the road which just happened to be the cheapest to run, the most environmentally friendly and with “ludicrous” performance. I remember reading about full self driving and the car parking itself so you can drive to the door of whatever shop or restaurant you were going to and leave the car to figure out the rest.

    Then the paedo guy thing happened. This is the moment I can point back to where I first reminded myself to think critically about something I was a fan of. I still excused it, "ok maybe Musk might be a bit of a dick, but at least he has a noble mission at heart " Then the floods gates opened. Autopilot deaths. Union busting. Full self driving that is perpetually less than a year away. The cyber truck that reminds me of that Simpsons episode when Homer designs a “car”. Nazi salutes…

    How could I get it so wrong?

    I am thankful that Elon Musk has reminded me that I like anyone else believe what I want to believe and fall for marketing more easily than I thought I would.

    BUT I am ashamed that I am so stupid. Even more I’m ashamed that through my falling for it, I may have helped others fall for it.

    We all live in our own little comfort zone. It takes effort to challenge your opinions. Truly challenge them. I fail at it more than I succeed apparently, but at least knowing that might help me be a little less gullible next time.

    TL;DR Musk is a wanker.

    Edit: some typos

  • This will be unpopular but I have found Marijuana users to be extremely biased against any negatives raised about the drug and conversely very biased towards accepting anything positive. Because of this and the fact that psychosis is rare, i.e. not the typical experience, the answer you are mostly likely to get here is that Marijuana doesn’t cause it. You can only trust their personal “had it or didn’t have it” but not what they say about never seeing it in others.

    Imagine that it causes psychosis in 1 in 1000 users (I don’t know the real ratio this is just for example). That would mean, based on personal experience alone, you would get 999 answers saying it’s totally fine, and 1 saying it causes psychosis. You walk away thinking it’s safe when maybe for you, it’s not. Even if it was 1 in 10 you’d probably still think the consensus is that it’s safe the 1 saying its not is going against the consensus so must have an agenda. Not what if the rate in the general population is 1 in 1,000,000 but the rate for people with a family history of mental illness is 1 in 3? Both can be true but which is the one that matters to you? Here you’d only be finding the 1 in a million number when you really want to know the one in 3 number.

    Things like this are not about opinions they are about statistics. As someone else said, don’t ask social media for medical matters, science is not about consensus it’s about evidence. The laws of physics don’t change based on how many people believe something.

    Many comments here are the equivalent of saying “I’ve never seen a car crash so they must be made up, it’s just fear mongering by the auto industry to put useless air bags and seat belts in the car to charge you more”.

  • Whether Trump likes it or not, EVs are happening and it’s because of every other government. So he’s trying now to stop the snow ball which is now half way down the hill and 10 times the size. BMW, VW, Mercedes, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, Kia, etc etc aren’t going to stop the transition. All that will happen is the US will be left behind. The rest of the world will be weaning off oil and the US will be left with no option eventually, but will not be a major player in the tech because of these anti EV policies. Or are they simply viewed as anti tesla as tesla is already established???

  • Anything which drives nails into the xitter coffin is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. Bluesky may not tick many people’s boxes here on lemmy, but this migration shows that lots of people wanted to leave xitter but didn’t see an option. Threads clearly didn’t attract them, likely due to the owner. I hope it nothing else, Bluesky is a less toxic place and xitter and musk become less relevant. In the long run Bluesky may end up being another head of the hydra , but for now, it’s not, and it may get people used to the idea of federation.

  • Surely the day is approaching where enough Americans have been personally affected by gun violence that there are more that have than haven’t. I often wondered if the reason it persists is because it is something that happens to other people so there is no feeling of urgency to put it at the center of politics. But it happens every fucking month??? …wait, I just checked and I’m being too generous with “month”. They happen almost every day. We only seem to hear about them once or twice a month outside America. You guys have them more regularly than sports games.

  • You think the only reason people could find destructive, violent behaviour to be unusual or difficult to understand is because they have no passion in their own lives?

    I’m just a little sad that there are people in the world who have grown up in such violent, loveless homes that they can’t conceive of finding violent behaviour over a sports game disgusting.

    I wonder how many of wives and partners who get the shit kicked out of them when their passionate “alpha” male’s favourite team loses would agree with you. Oh it’s OK, he had just lived such a full, passionate life that he sometimes loses his self control for a moment.