Combs is a music icon, self-made entrepreneur, loving family man, and proven philanthropist
They said the line! He’s a family man, pack it up folks. Nothing to see here.
Yeah, but who’s family?
So is Bill Cosby
I mean, maybe he is. That doesn’t mean he isn’t also a repugnant sex trafficker.
We can always wait for the tell-all books peddled as airport fodder by his kids in 15 years, but I don’t think many will care.
My point was that being a “family man” does not excuse actual sex trafficking. Which is what the defense is trying to imply.
I get that— and agree
I’m afraid your second sentence is missing one “not” that I’m sure you meant to include. It changes the meaning, hence the downvotes.
Oops! Fixed. Probably too late
over 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant were discovered during the raids
Listen, we’ve all been there. It’s Tuesday, the whole week is ahead of you, and there isn’t anything good on TV. Sometimes you just need to do science. What’s the best ratio of baby oil to lube for cooking flank steak? The best ratio for checking the tire pressure in your car? How many times can you jump rope in a pool of baby oil with a lubricated Stretch Armstrong? These are questions that science hasn’t answered yet, and I’ll be damned if I besmirch Sean “P. Diddy” Combs good name because of the advancements he brought to the discipline of scie-- oh, hold on, I’m getting some new information. Ahh, I see. He’s one of those sex perverts. Uh-huh. That makes more sense. Very well, then, besmirch away.
I’ve never been “1,000 bottles of baby oil” there. 10, maybe, and I consider myself “sexually adventurous”, but 1,000?? Wow
Please tell us mortals what that’s like
1000 bottles of baby oil is about to become the next CAH card
1000 bottles of baby oil on the wall, 1000 bottles of baby oil, take one down, spread it around, 999 bottles of baby oil on the wall
Ugh, let ‘em have it. I’m not in my 20s anymore
How dry is his dick??? God damn!
Is … is yours externally self-lubricating?
Even if it wasn’t, I can’t imagine need a THOUSAND bottles of lube…
How do you have 1000 bottles of lube? This must be that slippery slope I’ve been hearing so much about.
I did not want to know that. Thanks…
Slippery P Diddy, they called him!
And just like in Starfox64, Slippy is now saying “WHOA!!! HELP ME!!!”
But everyone just sees the cry as annoying, and ignores it.
DO A BARREL ROLL!!! (sorry, I had to!)
Reading over the details, he is fucked. There’s no way he isn’t spending a long time in prison, probably the rest of his life.
Someobdy is turning State’s evidence
There have long been rumors that he’s an informant already. If that’s true, then I’m guessing he REALLY screwed up bad to be arrested without bail.
According to the 14-page indictment filed in federal court on Sept. 12, Combs turned his “multi-faceted business empire” into a “criminal enterprise” in which he and his associates engaged in kidnapping, arson and physical violence, sex trafficking and forced labor, among other crimes.
Diddy blew up Kid Cudi’s car after finding out cudi and diddy’s ex were in the “talking stage.” That’s where the arson charge is from.