It sounds like you’re saying everyone’s a nazi narcissist deep down, which is simply not true - that’s why all the down-votes.
It sounds like you’re saying everyone’s a nazi narcissist deep down, which is simply not true - that’s why all the down-votes.
The public is barbaric, they’re going to enjoy it.
That reminds me strongly of today’s Afghanistan.
Must suck being Shakespear for sure. Not even dreams are original though, they’re influenced by what you see in reality and by mental structures common to all people - motives in dreams repeat across nations and ages. You can be authentic, but it’s arguablx impossible to be absolutely original. Do your art for yourself and others who appreciate it, but don’t gatekeep ideas.
What is really novel in art is very hard to define. Art is based on artists inspiring each other, reacting to each other, borrowing from each other, evolving other artists’s ideas, actualizing and restructuring ideas. That’s why history of art is so fun and interesting.
Not everyone needs them.
European countries use English, there’s no way French or German stand a chance. For a world language, I think it’s either English or Chinese, depending on geopolitical situation.
I think it was meant as “without damaging something in your body”.
So children are not allowed to play anymore. It breaks my heart knowing how important expressing the connection to a favourite animal is for many kids. I know nazis go for easy targets, but the fact they target children is just nauseating to me.
I’d go for languages, they’re cool and you can do lots of stuff with them. I followed my passion too and it turned out great for me. It’s not just about the subject of your study, but also about the people you meet at uni. The contacts can then help you to get an interesting job. And you’ll find friends that are nerdy the same way as you!
I’m neither and I’m having fun here. Lots of science, Star Trek, cute animals, shitposts, thoughtful commentaries, books and movies… And things are getting better. It’s already so much better than when I first came.
The western democracy he put’s on the line is Europe and Canada, not the US. The US is gone.
With some types of beard there’s no other way.
You would have to shave or trim your hair as well to get rid of clogging and slow drying.
But kissing a bearded man is not a big deal. I think it’s a question of preferences.
OP was not asking for our opinion on that.
I’m actually enjoying our conversation and I think our missunderstanding is just a minor one. I never said I don’t have any ambition. You asked me about my ambition or lack thereof, so I described what’s driving me.
Anyway, I think there’s a difference in having an ambition as having some driving force behind your actions, which is necessary (I want to have blue walls, so I go and paint them blue) and the character trait that is referred to as being ambitious. No-one gets called ambitious just for wanting to have blue walls, even though it technically is an ambition. Someone who wants to be famous can be called ambitious, though.
I think with time I’m becoming more and more self-confident and the need for other people to confirm my own value is therefore diminishing (although it’s not completely gone). I think the fame ego boost is a lot about that - being told that you’re valued.
I can relate to the need of being recognised for the good job you’ve done. And to the desire for quasi-immortality - the knowledge of one’s own mortality is such a hard thing to live with.
I understand the wish for fame, because I did feel it around the time when I was like 13 or something. Then I took a look at the way of life the really famous people lead and I realized I wouldn’t want that. I love the freedom of anonymity way too much. When it comes to ambitions, I always wanted to understand the world as much as I could. That also lead me to natural sciences. I get a lot of fulfillment from learning things. So I guess I’m not really success oriented, although it’s a nice thing, but I get a lot of kick out of getting new information and connecting it in my head, that’s what I love. And that’s not very fame related, right? I live a comfy life and I do what I love, so suddenly becoming famous and losing it all looks like a nightmare to me.
Yeah, I thought so, but it was not clear.