Toward the end of the debate, Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz asked Vance to affirm that Trump lost the last election. “Did he lose the 2020 election?” Walz asked.
“Tim, I’m focused on the future,” Vance replied, before pivoting to press Walz on censorship on social media.
“That is a damning non-answer,” Walz said. “I’m pretty shocked by this. He lost the election. This is not a debate, it’s not anything anywhere other than in Donald Trump’s world.”
Walz noted that the reason that former Vice President Mike Pence — who was the target of “hang Mike Pence” chants from pro-Trump rioters who invaded the Capitol in 2021 — wasn’t on the debate stage is because he refused to overturn the election on Trump’s behalf.
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The dumb part here is that the American people and the American political environment and media has normalized all this.
This is no longer about dumb politicians … it’s just putting on display a very dumb nation.
Politics has always been theater. And not the good kind with songs and dancing. The boring kind that is incredibly easy to see through while being simultaneously impossible to ignore.
I didn’t watch the debate but it’s a bit disheartening that every headline so far has “Vance” in it but not “Walz”. The media always give the Republicans far more free publicity than the Democrats.
Working like they intended, and it sucks.
I did watch the debate and my immediate take away was that it was a cordial debate, which is sad that being cordial is now abnormal enough for that to be the first thing that stood out.
But with that being said, after thinking about it longer, I realized that the reason it was so cordial is because the questions asked were sane-washing almost all of Trump’s positions. I don’t see how the number one question would ever be anything other than:
"Senator Vance, your running mate has been convicted, by a jury of his peers, of 34 felonies. He is current facing indictments for stealing and concealing sensitive classified documents containing information vital to our national defense. He has also been indicted for conspiracy to defraud the United States, along with three additional charges, for his efforts to overthrow our democracy when he lost the 2020 election. He has also been charged with eight felonies in Georgia, including two counts of conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree; again, for his attempts at subverting our democracy to install himself as the unelected ruler of our country. He has publicity stated that he wants to be a dictator and throw his political opponents, as well as journalists and others who criticize him, in jail. The only reason your candidate is on the ballot this November is because the Supreme Court ruled that states do not have the ability to keep insurrectionists off the ballot - and they have also declared that various other crimes your candidate have committed cannot be prosecuted due to an alarming declaration that presidents are mostly above the law.
The question, Senator Vance, is why is your candidate qualified for anything other than wearing an orange jumpsuit in prison?"
That’s the whole Republican strategy at this point. They realized that any publicity, no matter how crazy they have to be to get it, ultimately benefits them. No matter how well Walz performed, no matter how reasonable and objectively right he is, Vance gets the publicity through his nonstop lies.
it’s really weird to be beholden to trump
Vance, and everyone guy that goes along with him, are just one conversation away from being literal cucks.
Trump is going to fuck Vance’s couch, and I’m not going to feel bad for him.
And he’ll make Vance watch
If he won the 2020 election then he wouldn’t be able to run again… Do they admit he lost or do they drop out?
To the surprise of no one.
What a sleazy person he is. He’s well spoken so his answers seem coherent but if you actually listened to him speak you would pick up that he would say half truths at best. At least he gave the people a presidential debate unlike his boss
I don’t know if you watched the debate, but his little smirks to the camera after some of his comments were making me ill.
Trump demands he answer that way.
And The Base now that they’ve been conditioned into believing it is true.
We should expect better from these people out of principle, but we really shouldn’t expect any different from them as we know the current circumstances…
Vance was definitely the kid in grade school that plucked and ate the hair of the girl who sat in front of him. I wonder if she’s okay.
And the couch too
The biggest takeaway for me is that all the good sounds bites are going to be Vance sticking his foot in his mouth. Vance had a bunch of safe and boring answers so nothing for Trump’s base, who already dislike Vance. Walz was probably nervous but he definitely missed several chances to call things out.
I think someone coaching him told him to take the highroad, and be nice.
That someone was foolish, you can’t play nice with these people. They just interpret it as weakness.
Can someone link me the VP debate discussion thread?
I wonder if maybe me or my home instance is banned from that community.
It was in c/politics.
Oh man. I had blocked that sub. Silly me.
Thanks for the assist!
And he refused to weigh in on the divisive issue of whether the sky was up or down. Or if water is good for you.
“ Censorship on social media”…like Musk blocking users and trying to control the narrative.
I’m worried about this too!