School choice activist Corey DeAngelis participated in a GayHoopla adult film called “Super Star Compilation! How Many Strokes Til You Cum?!” before writing his book, The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools.
Are we sure this isn’t The Onion?
This is the same timeline that fails (refuses?) to recognize the dystopian overlap of 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Idiocracy, Margaret Atwood, … and its own blithely un-ironic trajectory, right?
It’s always projection. Every fucking time.
I don’t want to accuse the GOP of pedophilia, but so many of their accusations have been admissions that it disgusting to even contemplate.
It’s so strange that these types of people choose the GOP, because I don’t think most Democrats give a shit about this. It’s definitely just them taking on a strong form of projection…
It’s sad. These people are just sad people running away from things their “friends” told them are evil. So they then become “the friends” to others. And here we have sad circle of GOP life. Sad people making other people sad.
Why do they have to be this way? What happened to these Republicans? Are they genuinely held beliefs or is it all just opportunism?
ETA: does it matter? 🙁
I’m not a psychologist but there has to be some deep-seated self-loathing from repressing their true sexuality/identity for decades. Or maybe they subconsciously feel “if I can’t be who I want to be, you can’t either.”
I’ve got a theory on this: They have gay urges and therefor think everyone has them, so they believe that everyone needs to “choose to be straight” and it’s just weak sinners who are giving into their urges.
Also to grandparent: it’s allllllll projection with conservatives.
Not every repressed gay person is a cunt. Not every cunt is a repressed gay person.
But some of these aggresively anti-LGBT+ cunts sure look like they’re in the intersection.
Edit: IDK if the phrasing “repressed gay” works in English? If it’s wrong, let me know
Repressed gay works just fine tbh, most people probably use “closeted” but that’s more colloquial.
However, referring to a gay person as a “gay” can be a bit problematic as it strips their personhood from the statement. A lot of bigots will refer to gay people that way to imply they are lesser. I dunno if that’s how it works in other languages, but at least in English it’s generally more respectful to refer to groups as people specifically. So you’d always say “gay people” or “black people” and etc.
Fixed that then. I chose repressed over closeted, as I feel it emphasises the point that they’re pushing themselves deeper into the closet, but maybe that’s a linguistic nuance I’m misunderstanding.
That’s a fair point, actually, repressed probably is more accurate for what your saying
There is a fair amount of speculation that being bi is actually way more common than is generally thought but because current cultural rules of compulsory heterosexuallity codes being bi as being something you must act on to actually be considered that identity a lot of people believe that they are straight simply because they never acted on the attraction.
For guys the comp-het mindset also tends to discount basically any situation where they feel dominant because “straight” and “masculine” to them basically means that as long as they are the petetrative element in a place of absolute control via power dynamics or violence then it doesn’t count as “gay”. Essentially since as long as it holds no emotional attachment to them it doesn’t count. As long as they can’t code their behaviour as “feminine” it doesn’t count.
Which to the rest of us is fucking bonkers…
This could be a redemption arc. All the Republican party needs are to attend some fabulous LGBTQ+ parties.
Self-contradiction is inherent to fascism and exclusionism. It is a feature, not a problem. It demonstrates that if you are something the fascists hate, you are immune from punishment if you simply support their cause. The more you support them, the more immune you are. Trump is immune from any criticism, whether it be adultery, rape, bigotry, stupidity, etc. The lower you are, the more you have to earn your protection in case they take control. This is their most important tool in recruitment, whether they understand it or not.
She also questioned how the video of her dancing at a club would be released before videos of Sean “Diddy” Combs and Jeffrey Epstein – both of whom prosecutors allege engaged in sex acts with minors – are released to the public.
Because you were at a public party, you dumb fuck.
Also I don’t want to see those other videos
I want juries to, but I’d really rather not be on those juries. I feel like I’d need therapy after seeing those videos
Every accusation is a confession.
Yes. Literally every single one.
I wonder who of them eats cats and dogs. Probably RFK
Well, he said he ate dog and also at the very least tries to eat bear.
RFK Jr. has had to literally make a public denial that he ate a dog. And yet he seems to have no sympathy for Haitian migrants.
You’re a genius…
Question: why are you still on Lemmy if you hate it so much?
I wanted to see why you’re typing this and saw that your comment history from three day ago is nothing but shitting on this site. Now you’re back with an upturned nose again.
Some people just want to see the world burn
I think you mean, “Drag queens caught partying with GOP candidate who called them pedophiles.”
Do drag queens know everyone who comes at the club/venue they’re performing?
The point of the comment wasn’t to blame the drag queens. It was to reverse the implicit shame of being, “caught,” that’s in the title, giving the connotation that it’s shameful or embarrassing to associate with the GOP candidate, not the other way around. It was just a little quip that I’m sure I’ve made much funnier with this explanation.
Likely he believes his open propaganda and was hoping to hangout with pedos.
Valentina Gomez is a woman.
I read her name wrong lol
Imagine being so young and having so much hate in you.
I pity that woman.
Nah, she deserves every single ounce of hate and pain that gets delivered to her.
Knowing how much the Gaggle Of Pedophiles likes to project, maybe she showed up expecting something at that party.
I love how she said she gets along with everyone and still went on to say that it’s “impossible to walk around New York City without running into a mentally ill fa***t.” Like, who do you think you’re referring to with that statement? Because it seems to me she’s referring to the drag queen she “gets along with.” At least the hypocrisy remains consistent.
drag queens have a right to… drag? personal life doesn’t impact professional life or affect any parties not involved. People should be able to find their happiness in this fucked up world.
And to be more clear. I’m criticizing people who have let their upbringing convince them that something that is none of their business somehow impacts their personal life
Absolutely, it’s also completely ridiculous that she seems to recognize that drag can be fun and chill, yet continues to double down on the phobia.
It shouldn’t, but the reality is that it does. When someone has a bad day and Karens out, maybe says some especially heinous stuff, maybe says some racist stuff. They usually aren’t at work. They are usually fine at doing their jobs but quite a few people have been fired over stuff like that. That is definitely personal life affecting professional life.
I could keep going, but the reality is that it has become quite acceptable these days to get in professional hot water for what you do when you aren’t on the clock.
Hell, even drug tests at work are usually getting punished in your professional life for your personal life.
Yeah. I might have misspoke in that regard. What my ultimate opinion is that if your personal life isn’t impacted by what stranger’s do, then you have no position to properly speak on it
Interesting that GOP will list things that they are opposed to and then go and do them. We better make sure this dude isn’t a pedo.
Another example of people thinking they can’t be who they really are, so choose to hate the ones who can.
This nazi shithead should get hers for terrorist statements. I hope that happens. Fuck this hypocrite
Republicans never claimed not to be pedophiles, so I think that’s on us for assuming
Does she really think drag shows involve showing genitals?
Ew, why would they party with him?
It’s a She and her name is Valentina Gomez.
I’mma guess there’s good reason he got…exposed.
Did you just assume their pronouns?
Valentina Gomez’s pronouns are well-known.
No one’s bothering to read the article or even the summary before commenting.
I bet that party was a rager. I hope she had a great time. She’ll never be invited to one again.