The hard truth is nobody cares about men. Even men don’t care about other men. We have a lack of compassion for men and the issues that impact them. It is difficult to convince people to empower a group they believe already empowered.
It’s not that people don’t care about men. It’s that liberals don’t want to talk about class issues.
What is a liberal
In the context you usually see on Lemmy I believe it refers to anyone who believes in some form of market based capitalist system as opposed to communism or some form of.
Liberalism is a political ideology that arose in Europe in the late 18th century amongst intellectuals of the newly emergent middle class. They believed in individual rights and were opposed to the authority of the church and monarchy. (People who supported the church and monarchy were called Conservatives.)
Liberals later opposed the more collectivist ideologies that emerged in the late 19th century, like socialism and Communism.
Liberal ideas are so ubiquitous in the Western world, that you might not even realize them as part of an ideology, but they are.
For a long time, English politics was a rivalry between Liberals and Conservatives, and so those terms have been imprecisely borrowed to describe the Democrats and Republicans in the US, but that usage is incorrect. The US has never had a state church or a monarchy. Both sides of US politics are liberals.
I wish you all the best that you can find someone to talk to about this
I wish you all the best that you can find someone to talk to about this
What a way of saying, “the systemic societal misandry you observe is all in your imagination.” Sweet gaslighting, there.
Ok, let me try again, a few questions that may better explain what I was trying to get at:
Do you feel that your emotions are actively being suppressed by some “other” or do you feel angry that you were never provided the tools to do so in the first place?
What ‘place’ do you feel is missing from society for you to vent your frustrations in?
if you have emotions or opinions that you feel you cannot express in public, have you tried looking for a place to express them?
How is your mental\physical health in other ways, are there peers that you can talk to or socialise with?
I’m not asking for you to reply to answers for these questions, these are deeply personal. What I am trying to get at is if you don’t think you can talk about your emotions, you need to start working out a way to talk about your emotions before they fester and turn toxic.
Yes I was a little short in my comment, but I don’t know you and I don’t know your context. If you don’t have any family or friends that you can talk about your emotions with, that’s not the whole world telling you that you aren’t allowed to have emotions. You need an outlet. I need an outlet. I have OCD, anxiety, and anger issues. The thing that makes these things bearable is having people to talk to about them. If you feel you can’t, or do not have the means to go to therapy fine, that sucks and you need other people who do care. If no one is asking you “how are you” with any care about the response, fine, I’ll do it.
No judgement. No criticism. No hate. Just a sounding board if you feel like you truly have no one to talk to about this. DM me. how are you doing?
What a backhanded thing to say. I refer to the general issues men are facing as a group, and you snidely judge us as having personal issues with such self-assuredness that you are morally right in doing so. You come across as arrogant and condescending. Men, as a group, are not doing well on many different metrics. That does not mean that every specific man is not doing well, or that I am not doing well. So, here’s some unsolicited advice, since you are keen on giving it to others – Don’t give people unsolicited advice, and kindly don’t mention me again.
I don’t know if you’re really trying to be genuine but this doesn’t come across well.
filtered masks on jobsites with particles is still not a hard requirement, pay is not keeping up with the cost of living, no universal healthcare
welcome to the US
Class warfare is real shit.
Basic income, nationalized health care, public housing, free education. Would solve a lot of problems.
Enforce existing tax laws. Increase penalties for cheating on taxes. Tax unrealized gains. Break up monopolies.
The problems facing work class men are mostly downstream from all of these things.
Unfortunately working-class men are precisely the demographic most likely to adamantly vote against each and every one of those proposals.
Break up these “investment firms” whose only purpose seems to be to suck all the productivity for themselves, destroy the company, then move on to something else. They’re like the aliens from Independence Day, locusts.
Taxing unrealized gains is a terrible idea.
I think UBI and reskilling or upskilling programs with apprenticeship placements would help. I am not saying coding boot camps, I am saying more specialized stuff like electrical grid maintenance etc
ubi is only a bandaid to gross wealth accumulation by the rich.
Its rough out here. Every boss I’ve had in the past 10 years has minimized my labor, when I work my as off while he complains he’s broke as he buys a Tesla and $2000 wheels and tires.
Working class people of all backgrounds wont be ok until the economy is owned those who produce the labor. Once the economic struggles are fixed the social struggles will naturally become historical.
We’re ugly, and we smell bad.
living in my mom’s garage
USA can not and should not maintain the current level of extreme privilege (for pale people) while the planet is being destroyed. The state can not continue to subsidize car dependency, housing inflation, etc. People need to fight for clean air, clean water, food, housing, etc. instead of trucks and mcmansions. They need to reinvision what a functional society looks like because our current society is completely unsustainable and unjust. It’s the only realistic future.
Your comment would be spot fucking on, if it wasn’t for the “pale people” part. You’re words imply allowing extreme privilege for non-pales. That aint gonna fix anything. Hopefully that’s not what you intended.
Other than that, I agree with the rest 100%.