To be even more critical of Session, it uses Oxen which is like someone took Onion routing and decided to dress it up as a cryptocurrency grift
To be even more critical of Session, it uses Oxen which is like someone took Onion routing and decided to dress it up as a cryptocurrency grift
Oh man he’s going to be so pissed when he finds out what Intel have been doing for 50 years
It’s most amusing that most authors ended up retracting their support of the lawsuit
Pascal: “I am having the best Christmas right now.”
Did everybody get this as a maths problem nearly every year in primary school, and again in high school when triangle numbers were brought up?
So the working class had to be specifically told
What are they expecting? The Republicans will be able to write a law saying Netflix will be cheaper and have no ads?
“We gotta shut down 3G as fast as possible so we can get black spot grant money and then use that money to rebuy the spectrum space at the next auction.”
Now you’re not going to believe this, ladies and gentlemen, there was a time - not too longer ago in fact - where people called these metacrawlers, and they were beloved. People would say “Dogpile” yes, that might help, because - bare with me again - search was shit. But, comparing lot of different shit sources would generally give you ok information, and generally reveal at least a lot of different sources which could help find and gather information.
Now I’m not calling Kagi reputable in anyway, but if metacrawling helped with the situation before, maybe we should try it again.
Fun fact, the url in the original ad redirects to this video because the MPA couldn’t be bothered with the domain renewal
Sounds like a pretty average day in the Linux community
Well, let me start with this gorilla they called Harambe…
Ok, let me try again, a few questions that may better explain what I was trying to get at:
Do you feel that your emotions are actively being suppressed by some “other” or do you feel angry that you were never provided the tools to do so in the first place?
What ‘place’ do you feel is missing from society for you to vent your frustrations in?
if you have emotions or opinions that you feel you cannot express in public, have you tried looking for a place to express them?
How is your mental\physical health in other ways, are there peers that you can talk to or socialise with?
I’m not asking for you to reply to answers for these questions, these are deeply personal. What I am trying to get at is if you don’t think you can talk about your emotions, you need to start working out a way to talk about your emotions before they fester and turn toxic.
Yes I was a little short in my comment, but I don’t know you and I don’t know your context. If you don’t have any family or friends that you can talk about your emotions with, that’s not the whole world telling you that you aren’t allowed to have emotions. You need an outlet. I need an outlet. I have OCD, anxiety, and anger issues. The thing that makes these things bearable is having people to talk to about them. If you feel you can’t, or do not have the means to go to therapy fine, that sucks and you need other people who do care. If no one is asking you “how are you” with any care about the response, fine, I’ll do it.
No judgement. No criticism. No hate. Just a sounding board if you feel like you truly have no one to talk to about this. DM me. how are you doing?
My bad for judging without checking 😔
I wish you all the best that you can find someone to talk to about this
Yeah, while it is true, lots of VPN companies are grifts just buying VPS’s and installing OpenVPN, this “Cyber security expert” puts far too much faith in HTTPS and probably never seen a lecture from the Black Hat conference
I listened to The Foundering on Sam Altman at the same time as listening to The Power Broker and they weirdly synced up.
To quote a poet
Why are we calling these guys masterminds? They’re not masterminds!
Impersonating exists, the difference there is if someone was impersonates you and says something defamatory, you can sue that person, what this article is suggesting is if I made an AI model of your voice I am not liable for anything I make that voice say
advanced techminimum wage workers in India watching Americans shop